Tag: Business

Helping You Find Your Way

Sector Search: Safest Investments, by History After doing a little bit of market research I’ve come across some data that I think will prove helpful for you and your portfolio. Before we dive in make sure you follow on Twitter & Instagram & if you enjoy it, at the end they’ll be a link requesting […]

Positive Presentation

Shake It Out I wanted to write this that may assist you in a job interview or making a good impression, despite it being a somewhat tiny detail in your behaviour. Handshaking. I’ve recently met some people while travelling internationally [check out a whole other page called OnTheBall Travels!] and I immediately noticed how timid […]

The Belize LLC is No More & Businesses are Already Leaving

Offshore Jurisdiction Changes to LLCs Since the tyrannical economic substance requirements swept the offshore world in 2019 (and has been tightened since), the Belize IBC has been effectively a no-go. It had mandated tax, presence, hiring of staff on-the-ground & many other regulations that made it no longer a feasible corporate structure for international portfolios. […]