Tag: Business

I Learned the Hard Way

Interested in Investing? Not Sure Where to Start? Keep Reading! There’s many people who hear about their friends investing and feel like they should be doing it–but how? In what? What actually is a stock? What the hell is a cryptocurrency? Bitcoin right? How do you own gold? Too many questions and most people give […]

Cab Conversations in Patagonia

Here are a list of information we received from a man with a tour business in Patagonia I tried my best to ask as many questions as possible, even if there was a chance that he didn’t know the answer–I just wanted to see what information I could receive. Here is an unordered list of […]

Your Grandfathers Stock Pick

The Old, New Guy on the Block Mineros S.A. is a gold mining company headquartered in Medellín, Colombia with producing and development stage properties in Colombia and Nicaragua, including the Nechí Alluvial Property in Colombia and the Hemco Property in Nicaragua, which together, comprise the Company’s main properties’. The Company also has a number of […]

Behind Every Great Scheme, There’s a Woman

The Wool Over Her Eyes Look away now if you’re easily offended about every little thing–or in the case you’re determined to be offended, eh, keep reading. Did I offend you with the title? Guys were looking for a ‘I told you so’ article while ladies are already considering their angry, clever rebuttal. Unfortunately, I’m […]

The Real Cause Behind Global Conflicts

Cartel Wars: Treasuries vs. Gold I’ve written about Mexico a lot–no this is not about Mexican drug cartels (because I know that’s the first thing to think about when you think of the word cartel), this is about banking cartels–who seek total control of the world over every aspect of your life. Control the money–control […]

Sanctions Against Russia? The Real Results

Voices Of The World:You’re Going to Have To Try Harder I wanted to write this to highlight a bit of what has happened in Russia since the economic sanctions from the West. These is boots-on-the-ground results from a local. If you appreciate posts like this please send in your email to receive our free newsletter […]

Help Incorporating Your Company

Non-resident US LLC owners So you have decided that a US LLC is the best incorporation for you & your business/structure. You ultimately have to choose what’s best for you giving as many factors as you can involve–but here are some factors that can help you decide. See the chart below to get a more […]