Tag: Banks

The Real Cause Behind Global Conflicts

Cartel Wars: Treasuries vs. Gold I’ve written about Mexico a lot–no this is not about Mexican drug cartels (because I know that’s the first thing to think about when you think of the word cartel), this is about banking cartels–who seek total control of the world over every aspect of your life. Control the money–control […]


OnTheBall Travels (Georgia) What should we title this? Um…Surviving Georgia! Not the state of Georgia, although looking at Atlanta’s crime rates, Surviving Georgia is also an interesting title… Georgia is a country in the Caucasus that borders Armenia, Azerbaijan and Turkey and most notably, Russia. After the fall of communism in the early 90s, Georgia […]

What is Happening in Credit Markets?

Gold is money, everything else is credit JP Morgan, 1912 Credit Markets are broken… there needs to be some event to “reset” confidence or the system itself. Get the Free Newsletter to hear our thoughts on what’s next! US Debt Rises $1 Trillion in 100 Days on average, according to Bank of America. They estimate […]

The Cleanest Dirty Shirt

Now Thats a Good Looking Buck Years ago I remember hearing about a psychology study that went something like this: A random sample of men were brought in to a lab and were asked to rank-order photos of 20 women according to their attractiveness. But there was a catch, they were told that if they […]