Tag: Assets

Prepare Because The EU is Coming For You

Open Door Consultancy: Take This Seriously! Recently we have wrote an article throwing a word of caution to travel vloggers, offshore corporate providers and business assistants to go easy on recommending Europe as a jurisdiction for both living and for business. Yes, it has it’s benefits, but generally the continent of Europe is dying a […]

BTC is the Most Centralized Asset That Exists

Bitcoin is the Most Centralized Commodity That Exists, Cont. Centralized Mining Approximately 40% of the current Bitcoin mining is done using public companies, that is, those registered and heavily scrutinized by regulatory bodies. In other words, almost a majority of the new supply of Bitcoin come from & go to state-regulated companies. This is a […]

The Millionaire Mindset

What would you do if you have 1 million dollars? As in, someone knocks on your front door and hands you a bag of 1 million dollars in cash. Now I assume you’ll spend the first little bit on your favourite restaurant, new shoes, throw a party and celebrate. So forget that part. Right now, […]

Millennials Poor

Millennials, You have some work to do I came across this data recently that was eye-catching. You know the World Economic Forum’s claim “You will own nothing and be happy”, well it may be easier for them to accomplish than expected. Millennials only have a mere fraction of the USA’s reported wealth, despite making up […]

Nova Scotia

78 years old & Back to School I have a relative by marriage who is from Nova Scotia and is excited to be deriving from the Nova Scotia Teachers Pension. They seemed so confident that they are secure & set for life and arrogantly I figured I’d take a look (already knowing that pensions around […]