Tag: Asia

Dear Santa, So..this is a first…

An Energy Stock That Deserves Your Attention This stock likely has been missed because it’s only big listing is on the Singaporean Stock Exchange (SGX) and is an Indonesian company. However, if you’re bullish coal, bullish value stocks and bullish Southeast Asia as a region… continue reading. But first, please consider joining our Free newsletter! […]

Continents for Kids

A Grade 4 lesson that Americans Don’t Know Every so often one of those talking puppets on television puts on an episode to ask people on the street questions on where a country is on a map. The answers are shockingly wrong. And it’s not like, “where’s Togo?” its like “where’s Canada?” and the answers […]

Japan Article

A recap of Japan & their trouble; but at least they’re aiming Japan has been an economic disaster brewing for a long time. Their debt to GDP stands at a staggering 263% and many are calling Japan the canary in the coal mine to see how they’re going to manage that pile of debt. Despite […]

Korean Young Men

There’s Demons Outside My Front Door I’m going to make a 10,000-piece puzzle that when you finish it, it says, “Go Outside” Comedian Dmitri Martin Someone should think about making this type of puzzle in East Asia, it should sell. Why? The disease of extreme social reclusiveness known as hikikomori is taking over to the […]