Tag: Advice

My Trip to Aguascalientes, Mexico

OnTheBall Travels (Aguascalientes) If you have a young family, that’s the place to be in Mexico Many foreigners have been moving to Mexico over the last 5 years as a way to escape high costs of living, better food, better weather and escaping tyrannical policies. However, when most think of Mexico, they often stay within […]

Tips for High School Students

Short, Not-So Sweet Advice Quick Post I was asked the question “what advice would you go back to tell your younger self?”. Obviously buy Tesla stock at $1.30 dollars is the answer… but the question was seeking guidance and support. I think it’s easy to find articles, posts, images that say “15 rules to live […]

Stranded on an island with Tuition debt

Your Life is Worth More Than Your Grades Oh boy, you’re graduating high school soon and you’re still unsure what to do? Life= Over There’s many conflicting messages: Your friends are battling for the top universities; one family member is encouraging you to take a trade like carpentry or plumbing as though they have discovered […]