World’s Most Depressed Heroes
I just wanted to have a quick comment on something i’ve noticed the other day. Increasingly, I feel detached from the common citizen for a few reasons. Not just because of getting older, but because most of my information, people I communicate with (and what topics), my source of entertainment, the films I watch, investor tips, etc. are nearly opposite to who tunes in (and believes) their mainstream media, Hollywood celebs and mindless political debates. Having said this, I try not to be a recluse and still leave my house!
I accompanied my partner who was shopping for a co-worker’s daughter. We went to a store for teen girls (mostly). Besides being surrounded by fathers shopping for their squirrel-energy daughters, I noticed something that was near comical–the messages on the items being sold.
I lingered probably a little too long I should be in a girls store like this just to see how many quotes I could see directed at young minds.
- “Be you, that’s enough”
- “Stay true to who you are”
- “My Spirit Animal is who I want”
- “Express your gender”
- “You’re great the way you are”
- “Love everyone no matter what”
- “Be your own hero”
- “My plans are cancelled for a self-love day”
- …there’s others that I cannot recall
I couldn’t believe the level of mental poison that was printed on backpacks, notepads, bottles, t-shirts, sweaters, or just advertisements on cosmetics. Pure narcissism and hedonism. The world revolves around you, thinking.
I say this is mental poison because these messages are psychologically destructive at their core. In order to grow as a person, you must try and fail–men & women, boys & girls. Someone unwillingly to try anything because they’re already “perfect” will never grow, so they remain stagnant indefinitely. Additionally, failure creates a cognitive dissonance in these young minds that challenges their whole world view & self. In other words, the psyche knows that you’re not a hero or that you haven’t solved life yet (especially if you’ve just failed); reiterating this false narrative causes tears in ones identity & security.
It also paints a rosy picture of the world that may be the largest lie of all–but we have a separate article post for that topic.
Soft minds
Of course there was a lot of LGBT propaganda as well, which as I’ve said before is simply a cover for marxist ideologies to seep into young minds under the guise of altruism. The end result is sacrificing ones’ autonomy for the collective & a habit of accepting the lie, no matter how absurd. Though what was noteworthy was the insistence (again, I assume the audience were teenager girls) that self-care, self-worth, personal days, be your OWN hero, me, me, me was the best path forward in life, independent of family, relationships or culture.
I accidentally watched a kids movie while waiting for someone–I was horrified with what I saw! I explain about it here: A Movie for Kids!?
I am working on a compilation of media finds that all in some way or another reject natalism and promote the reduction of the population. In some way, I believe this to be the same tactic.
There’s a reason why we always protect the women and children first in a time of chaos–they are the building blocks to society and civilization. If you were motivated to deconstruct civilization (or literally depopulate) of course you’d want to target the most vital part–the future women.
Convincing young minds that they not only do not need to plan, share, and sacrifice with a long-term partner but that they shouldn’t, surely impacts the number of young girls considering a family of their own. The issue, and the psychological data is more than abundant, is young girls grow up at some point–and they tend to cherish family wanting one of their own for the second half of their lives. Perhaps I’m reading too much into all of this, after all, they just wanted to sell notepads. Though it is awfully strange to preach narcissism & being gay as a selling tactic which I’m sure would not have sold a generation prior.
As the very popular marxist Vladimir Lenin quotes,
Give me children for four years and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted
I am left wondering whether this is the same tactic used here, using commerce rather than classrooms or lecture halls.
By choosing self-care over self-sacrifice, self-acceptance over striving for challenging adventure and unconditional love over earned respect based upon merit, we are preparing the new generation of young ladies to be weak, inexperienced and eager to reject the inevitable struggles of life/relationships.
Like I said, perhaps I’m reading too much into these ugly t-shirts–perhaps this is why I don’t tune into mainstream garbage. I’ll recede back to my hole away from Thunderdome.