Just the Headlines

We Assemble a Collection of Worldwide News Headlines so you #StayOnTheBall

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Uruguay to accept migrants

The Uruguayan Government issued a decree Wednesday expediting the admission of some 3,500 Venezuelan refugees into the country, Foreign Minister Omar Paganini announced in a press conference in Montevideo.

Paganini also explained that the initiative was welcomed by ”the UN Agency for Refugees.“ In this new framework, applications from Venezuelan nationals will be considered ”differently, taking into account the reality of that country,“ the minister noted.

Things are bad, expect worse.

Claudia Sheinbaum is set to become Mexico’s first female, and first Jewish, President. The Jewish community comprises approximately 0.04% of Mexico’s population. Her grandfather was involved in the “semi-illegal” Mexican Communist Party. It’s without surprise that she is extremely anti-business and wants to push far-left “woke” policies throughout the country.

Convicted Felon for Nothing & People Love Him More Than Ever

President Donald Trump receives massive wave of support after he was found guilty in the New York City trial, crashing his donation page.
Of those who donated:

Sequoia Capital’s Shaun Maguire: Donated $300,000 to Trump’s campaign.
Lee Zeldin: Secured an $800k donation for Trump’s Joint Fundraising Committee.
Tim Pool: “I have just donated the maximum to Donald Trump.”
Tucker Carlson: “Import the Third World, become the Third World. That’s what we just saw. This won’t stop Trump. He’ll win the election if he’s not k*lled first.”
Megyn Kelly: “Guilty on all counts. The country is disgraced. Alvin Bragg should be disbarred. They will rue the day they unleashed this lawfare to corrupt a presidential election.”
Scott Adams: “I just donated to Trump. The donation page crashed from traffic. This is the hill to die on.”
Tristan Tate: “Trump donation page? Link?”
Andrew Tate: $200,000
Piers Morgan: “Trump’s donation websites are crashing… my guess is this verdict will propel him back into the White House.”
Supporters on X: Donating amounts of $3300 and $1000.

Mexican Elections

Aspiring mayor Alfredo Cabrera assassinated in southern Mexico. The latest in a string of attacks ahead of weekend elections

Quick, Everybody, Starve for the Planet!

A massive fire broke out at a poultry farm in Southern Illinois. One of the largest free-range egg facilities in the country starting burning last night. Millions of chickens dead. Millions of eggs gone.

War in this State

Eliseo Imperial, known as El Cheyo Antrax, a high ranking member of the Sinaloa Cartel and nephew of El Mayo Zambada was just killed in Culiacán. The Sinaloa Cartel has been in-fighting for the past 6 years

The Economic Split Continues. Uranium Explodes

Shares of North American uranium companies rise after US President Joe Biden signs into law a ban on Russian-enriched uranium
The ban on imports of fuel for nuclear power plants begins in about 90 days but will allow the Department of Energy to issue waivers in case of supply concerns. Many suspect the few North American suppliers will see huge flows of capital

You’re in Indian Country

A nomad American was caught on camera making out with a young woman in Bolivia during a parade & arrested. Currently, he is in prison and could be forced to marry, according to an indigenous law still in force in that country.

Chile’s crime streak not only continues, it elevates to new levels!

Bomb threats targeting multiple courthouses in Chile suggest that the transnational criminal organization of Venezuelan origin, Tren de Aragua, is ramping up its efforts to target the country’s judiciary!

Some Progress in West Asian tensions

Armenia returns four border villages to Azerbaijan as part of deal

Armenian PM Pashinyan has called the deal a ‘milestone’ on the road to peace between the rivals, locals are not happy

Senegal the next to reject the West

Senegal’s new prime minister criticizes French military presence in the West African country. Currently, 350 French troops remain in this West African country. Read more: here

China in Training

China has completely surrounded Taiwan in all directions. China currently has over 30 ships and 40+ fighter jets active in training.

Inflation, Resource & Food Problem Gets Worse

As we predicted, the imports of energy from Europe to African nations is beginning to stop. Belgium has made the decision to curb imports of fuel to Western Africa, citing the need to “improve quality” before continuing to ship.

UN Wants War

UN: “TAWAIN IS A PROVENCE OF CHINA” “We are guided by the General assembly resolution of 1971.” The UN has largely been a Western funded agency neither united nor composed of nations.

Paraguay is forcing Crypto Miners to use Solar Panels

Paraguayan government proposes seizure of Bitcoin and “crypto”

mining rigs and sentences of up to 10 years in prison for carrying out illegal mining operations, citing “energy theft.”

Pura Vida No More

The Judicial Investigation Organization in Costa Rica (OIJ) reported today 246 homicides in 2024, nine more compared to the previous year and death records in the seven provinces of the country. This is only the first four months of this year.

Last year the country set a personal record with homicides and thefts, burglaries, robberies and car thefts continue to rise averaging between 30-50 per day for each.

Taiwan Craziness

Lawmakers in Taiwan clashed in parliament over chamber reform disputes. A ruling DPP member, trying to stop the bill from passing, snatched the voting papers and ran out of parliament.

The scuffle left at least one lawmaker hospitalized with a head injury. Videos of the brawl showed punches being thrown, a curtain being torn down, and a lawmaker falling on his head while trying to climb over his colleagues. The incident occurred just days before President-elect Lai Ching-te, previously Vice President, is set to take office. Lai’s Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is in the minority in the chamber, adding tension to the proceedings.

One of the contentious reforms under debate was the introduction of criminal penalties for officials caught lying in parliament. The DPP accused opposition parties of pushing through reforms unconstitutionally and without due process. The opposition, including the Kuomintang (KMT) party, countered that the DPP was attempting to monopolize power. Jessica Chen of the KMT was seen wearing a military helmet during the altercation, emphasizing the high stakes of the debate. This chaotic scene is not unprecedented in Taiwan’s parliament, which has a history of heated disputes. In 2020, lawmakers threw pig guts on the chamber floor during a disagreement over pork imports.

The DPP holds a minority of seats, and the KMT lacks a majority, leading it to collaborate with the smaller Taiwan People’s Party (TPP). The brawl comes at a critical time for Taiwan, amid strained relations with China, which views Taiwan as a breakaway province.

Hilariously Wrong

The EU, after aggressively pursuing hate speech laws that enables the state complete control over thinking & personal autonomy; they are actively weaponizing this further by specifically targeting “migrant speech” which pertains to anything concerning the new economic migrants. Study after study demonstrates the locals, of all EU states being terribly unhappy with the current migrants and the frequency of newcomer. The results can be seen throughout the continent.

I don’t think North Korea has this law yet… yet this country does!

Australian man says border force made him hand over phone passcode by threatening to keep device indefinitely

Tech entrepreneur who lives in the US says he has been held up at Sydney airport for hours three times in the past year. Despite his objections and refusal due to privacy, the border agents forced him under fine/prison threat to give up his passwords to his tech devices.

Oceania in Revolt

The French military is suppressing an armed uprising of it’s Pacific colony in New Caledonia. Ports and airport have been seized. Riots are spreading.

Brazil is a full dictatorship; tread carefully

The president of Petrobras was just fired by the President of Brazil. Disputes over the frequency, size, and to whom the companies’ large dividends were paid was a growing risk in the national oil company stock shares. The now former president of Petrobras was insistent on the fact that he was to be the last remaining oil company on the market.

California is running out of everything

California is in complete collapse. Bay Area Thieves have begun cutting Tesla cables at their charging stations for the copper inside of them. The amount of copper would be negligible–but it demonstrates that everybody is struggling under the communist policies of the state.


The Prime Minister of Slovakia, Fico, is in very serious condition after receiving 5 shots in the chest and stomach. He was very tough on immigration and was an active critic of the WHO during COVID.

He also was very anti-war in Ukraine (with sending supplies) by taking a pro-Russia slant to policies–something that Slovakia and Czech Republic disagreed about seriously (Slovakia was able to secure cheap gas supplies by taking this stance).

Russia Finds Even More Oil–but It’s Different

Russia has recently discovered huge oil & gas reserves in the Antarctic, whose most area is claimed by the UK. As per Russian research ships, reserves totaling 511bn barrels of oil are reportedly found. This amount is 10 times the North Sea’s entire 50-year output. Just last week, the evidence was provided to Uk’s Commons Environmental Department.

It’s important that not all of these areas are claimed by the UK, but a majority–which begs the question why Russia was testing the region in the first place. The United Kingdom remains adamant on Russia’s threatening expansion and it’s commitment against fossil fuel consumption whereas Russia appears to be pushing the barrier, citing a serious global demand for oil.

France Backpedals

The French President makes a 180-degree turn and apologizes to Putin: We are not at war with Russia or the Russian people, and we have no desire for regime change in Moscow — Macron

This comes after France has suffered many casualties in Ukraine.

Failed Assassination attempt on Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman

At the moment it is rumoured and further details have yet to surface


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Russia has knocked down everything thrown at it

Ukrainians, Western Mercenaries, Frenchman–so far everything thrown at the Russian military in Ukraine has seen catastrophe. The Western elites, profiting from this conflict are flirting with now sending British troops to the trenches and using UK-equipment to strike Russian soil.
Moscow will retaliate against British targets in Ukraine or elsewhere if Kiev uses UK-provided missiles to strike Russian territory, the Foreign Ministry told London’s ambassador on Monday.

Ambassador Nigel Casey was summoned to the ministry following remarks by British Foreign Secretary David Cameron to Reuters that Ukraine has the right to use long-range missiles sent by the UK to strike deep inside Russia. Russia therefore provided an ultimatum to the United Kingdom: “evidence of a serious escalation and confirmation of London’s increasing involvement in military operations on the side of Kiev,” the ministry added. Casey was urged to “think about the inevitable catastrophic consequences of such hostile steps from London and to immediately refute in the most decisive and unequivocal manner the bellicose provocative statements of the head of the Foreign Office.”

Canada’s latest Psyop

Be Prepared For A PLANNED “Giant Emergency” Canadian Armed Forces & local police are doing a door-to-door ‘wellness check’ “They’re basically asking, how are you doing and are you prepared in case of a giant emergency? They are also giving out brochures of everything that you should have in case of an emergency. And to be ready because emergency preparedness starts with you.” “The exercise, called Trillium Venture, will take place from May 3rd to 5th. And according to the OPP, the Ontario Police Department, press release, the purpose of the exercise is to enhance interoperability with the governmental departments as they work together to respond to a simulated extreme heat scenario.

Housing Data

The number of construction job openings implode from 456K to 274K – 182K monthly drop is biggest on record. Since nobody new was hired, this signals for tremendous demand contractions in the homebuilding sector

Invest in Crypto, Receive Chocolate

In Moscow, depositors of the crypto exchange Beribit were given chocolates instead of money Approximately $4.3 million of investors’ funds are frozen in the accounts of the crypto exchange. Customers have been storming the office for the second day, demanding their money back. Management has responded with only promises and chocolates.

China is eager to start a war with Philippines

The reckless antagonism of Chinese ships in the territorial waters of the Philippines (ratified by the International Maritime Tribunal in The Hague in 2016) could easily push the Philippines into immediate conflict in the South China Sea.

Tesla Falls, but stock screams

This is the worst revenue output in years for Tesla amid halted projects, major layoffs, issues with Chinese competitors, questions about Elon’s commitment to the company and a complete flop on the cybertruck. The quarter, has been a complete miss: TSLA quarter was a disaster. Top and Bottom Line misses. You have an steep reversal in growth, and for the first time in 11 quarters, they are having to burn cash to support operations

TESLA 1Q ADJ EPS 45C, EST. 52C ❖ TESLA 1Q REV. $21.30B, EST. $22.3B

Yet, the stock is up 9.7% in after hours trading. This divide between the results and balance sheets and the markets has never been this distinct.

Bidenistas are stealing faster and faster

Biden proposes for a 44.6% top capital gains tax rate, the highest capital gains tax since its creation in 1922

Switzerland joined the EU?

Switzerland Has Frozen More Than $14 Billion in Total of Russia Assets

  • Switzerland has so far mirrored EU sanctions against Russia
  • Decision was controversial in historically neutral country

Switzerland has blocked 13 billion francs ($14.3 billion) in Russian assets held in the country, including more than 7 billion francs in reserves and assets of Russia’s central bank. In 2023, Swiss authorities froze a further 580 million francs in financial assets and two more properties, following its own investigations and detailed clarifications by banks.

Tanzania has an interesting problem

Tanzania have shut down five hydroelectric stations in a bid to reduce excess electricity in the national grid. It is the first time Tanzania, which suffers chronic power shortages, has closed hydroelectric stations due to excess production. We have turned off all these stations because the demand is low and the electricity production is too much, we have no allocation now, “ an official from state-run power company, Tanesco, said.

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Gold Bugs are Going Mainstream

Costco Selling Up To $200 Million In Gold Bars Per Month, Wells Fargo Estimates. Gold has recently touched new highs in a relatively short period of time.

Russian Department of Defence Investigation

Russian MoD opened a criminal probe into senior US and NATO officials who are allegedly “financing terrorism”. They claim that Hunter Biden’s Burisma Holding, operating in Ukraine received millions in funding to carry out terror attacks in Russia. Essentially, Russian MIL are accusing the Biden regime (Deep State) of using non-government organizations to launder US funding to pay for terrorist attacks, including the horrific Crocus City Hall attack that claimed 143 innocent lives. The same method they use to fund all their other offshore criminality.

What the Fuck is he doing?

In a strange announcement, Biden has come out announcing that an interest rate cut is going to happen this year & that the “RATE CUT MAY BE DELAYED FOR A MONTH”.

Similar to Erdogan in Turkey, Biden has seemingly taken over monetary policy announcements as well. Uncertainty lies ahead

Bombs Away



A report from the CIA alleges that if Iran were to attack [using its proxies] Israel, that it would do nothing to intervene, likely looking for an excuse to escalate war in the region & further destabilize the region.

Conflict in Middle East

Israeli war cabinet approves a military response to Iran’s aggression, despite Iran saying this is now over

The main plane thought to have Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahuh on it has left the country earlier as well. This comes as he is facing a major threat to overthrow his cabinet on the ground in Israel as well.

Timeline of Events, Courtesy of @BRICSInfo

• Israel attacks Iranian embassy in Syria, killing 16 people including top officials. • Iran raids and successfully seizes Israeli-linked container ship. • Israel shuts down schools nationwide, puts military on full alert amid Iran threat. • Israel and Iran officially close all airspace. • Iran officially launches attack on Israel using dozens of drones. • Iran reportedly launches cruise missiles at Israel. • Yemen launches drone attack on Israel, Iranian media reports. • Israel Prime Minister says “do not expect mercy to be shown to any Iranian.” • Jordan says they will intercept all drones and missiles that pass through its airspaces towards Israel. • Iraq’s Kataib Hezbollah declares the start of operations against Israel. • Iran Supreme Leader says “the malicious Zionist regime will be punished.” • US officials believe Iran is set to launch up to 500 drones & missiles from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen. • American & British fighter jets are intercepting Iranian drones launched at Israel. • Dozens of missiles reportedly launched from southern Lebanon towards Israel.

-now Israel is planning a response despite Iran saying their response was final. Escalation is in the air and the USA fully supports the war-will of Israel.

Let Ze Worms Und Bugz Eat ‘im.

Rumours are circulating that Klaus Schwab has fallen very ill. Klas Schwab is the leader of the dystopian World Economic Forum who seeks a 1-world government and control of every aspect of peoples’ lives.

I could not be less sympathetic to this rumour.

Desert has… FLOODING?

Dubai, after their insistence to toy with cloud-seeding have seemingly overdone it. Dubai’s airport is in a complete layer of water now requiring flights be re-routed elsewhere and the city has seen billions of dollars worth of damage. The streets have completely engulfed hundreds and hundreds of cars.

Another day in Canazuela

Canada’s new budget has sent shockwaves for investors, businessmen and asset owners by now raising the capital gains tax from 50% to 67% of the profit. With respect to real estate sales specifically, it now has 66% of the profitable asset being part of ones personal income tax return which was previously distinct. This would push tax brackets at least 50% for all real estate sales. This is an attempt by the Canadian government to keep home prices artificially elevated.

At the same time, Trudeau’s regime has introduced “Halal Mortgages”, which conform to Islam by not requiring any interest payments. To offset this loss, we are doubling the interest payments on mortgages held by Christians.

Guernsey Pork

As of today, it is illegal to bring pork or pork products into the Bailiwick from Europe (excluding the UK), unless it is: 

  • 2kg or less for human consumption in the original unopened manufacturers packaging and is clearly health marked; or 
  • 2kg or less of animal feed in an unopened manufacturer-sealed package. 

There are no limits on pork or pork products imported commercially, provided that: 

  • it is imported by, or for delivery to, a registered food business in the Bailiwick; 
  • it is in the original unopened manufacturers packaging; and 
  • it is clearly health marked. 

African swine fever is found in Africa and Asia but recently has started spreading rapidly through areas of Europe–likely due to the severe immigration

Argentina Jobs Jobs Jobs

The War Machine comes to South America

Argentina will start exporting bullets:

– 9MM and 7.62 FAL bullets will be exported.

– Agreement between Argentina, the United States and the CIA.

– Fabricaciones Militares will be one of the largest factories in the world.

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This happens differently in Japan

Japanese police raided the headquarters of a far-left group called Chūkaku-ha. They’re a known communist and pro-immigrant group with extensive ties to the Chinese communist party. Multiple members were recently involved in violent protests and were arrested by authorities.

Japan has remained true to their culture to not accept subversive forces from foreign powers throughout history.

Conservatism? Hardly…

Poland, once a bastion of conservatism & a strict line against illegal immigration is radically shifting gears under the new left-liberal government with a new “hate speech” law that could see offenders imprisoned for up to three years for “offensive” content against LGBT people. While they are eager to ensure that foreigners do not bring in subversive efforts to their borders, it turns out they already have such characters in their own government.

We have remained critical of the positive reviews of Poland as a place to find freedom simply based upon the immigration factor–however much of the country is dependent on the European Union with many locals enjoying socialistic policies.

Milei is still being tested

Javier Milei has received some criticism over his latest move surrounding cryptocurrency. Argentina has now unveiled a mandatory registry for bitcoin and crypto platforms, which is completely contrary to the expected policies he would put forward towards companies and financial products such as cryptocurrency. Milei has received a lot of praise and criticism on his latest actions–time will tell whether he is behind a success story for Argentina or if matters remain troubling

Finland; Rare act of violence

One killed, two injured in Finland school shooting near capital; 12-year-old suspect detained. Three victims, all of whom were 12 years old, had been injured

7.5 Earthquake in Taiwan! Some Suspect War

Multiple buildings have collapsed after a Pair of Massive 7.5 Earthquakes Strikes Triggering Tsunami Warnings. Currently, a pair of powerful, massive earthquakes has just occurred. The first one measured a magnitude of 7.5, followed by a 7.4 magnitude aftershock moments later. Numerous reports indicate strong to violent shaking, with multiple buildings swaying back and forth. Additionally, multiple buildings have collapsed. Tsunami warnings and sirens have been activated, sounding off an emergency warning and urging residents to evacuate immediately.

Some have supposed that various technology to induce earthquakes has been a precursor before Chinese supposed invasions of the independent island country.

Israel is still unhappy

Breaking: demonstrators stormed the Knesset live on air to demand the overthrow of the Israeli government. The scenes became violent in parliament.

Investigations on their own soil (Argentina vs. China)

The Milei government will start with an inspection of China’s

military base in Neuquén “Reviewing the contract and cannot understand how many things were signed. They are going to ask for authorization to enter the Base”. Javier Milei made it part of his election promise to not deal with any communist countries in trade agreements or political manners. This will undoubtedly stoke some flames for China’s plans in the region.

Japan needs immigration–but they must be careful

Japan made the decision to welcome in thousands of migrants & have recently launched a number of investor and nomad visas to welcome foreigners and stimulate their economy. However, violence against women is a real threat with some groups.

High school girls in Saitama are ambushed and attempted abducted by Kurds one after another… “I quit my part-time job the next day” “I had a scary experience”

Comments found on Japannewsnavi.com

  • It would be better to drive out the Kurds. Once the damage is done, it’s too late.
  • Despite the current situation, Saitama Prefecture is still not taking any measures to reassure its citizens. The Kurdish people coming to Japan are a group of terrorists.
  • This is an attempted abduction and a serious crime! Moreover, since the purpose is a sexual crime, it would be no good to leave this unattended! ? Police must use heavy weapons to protect
  • Is it okay for something like this to happen? What are the police doing? What is the administration doing? You’re a tax thief, and you’re embarrassing the whole country!
  • I wish there was a judge who could properly indict foreign criminals and criminals, but I wonder why they studied this.
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New Jersey and New York feel their own Earthquake

A 4.8 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes New Jersey and New York just days after the quakes felt in Taiwan

France is not in a position to be taking on the Russians

Recent surveys reveal that half of French people no longer buy meat and/or no longer eat 3 meals a day and/or have difficulty paying for healthcare (no matter what degree of healthcare). The extreme socialist governance of the country whereby the government controls every aspect of life is showing its predictable results.

Across the EU, the living standard is falling tremendously.

Mexico vs. Ecuador

By order of the president of Ecuador , Daniel Noboa, the Ecuadorian army stormed the Mexican Embassy and arrested former socialist vice president Jorge Glas, who was about to escape to Mexico through a safe conduct granted by López Obrador. The Mexican president swiftly responded by cutting off diplomatic ties with the South American nation.

Mexico’s Oil Producer State

Akal Bravo platform of Pemex explodes in Sonda de #Campeche *So far, there is no official report of injured or dead people

Costa Rica’s Best Days in the Rear-view Mirror?

Costa Rica Explores Regulation Amid Growing Bitcoin Adoption Costa Rica finds itself at a crossroads as it contemplates proposed legislation that could potentially limit its citizens’ ability to use Bitcoin for everyday transactions.

Costa Rica is grappling with crime rates that have never before touched their territory with many gangs fighting all over the country for drug routes. Unemployment rates are nearing 33% and youth dropping out of school has also touched a new high.