Lord of the Rings & Immigration Help?

You Jump; We’ll Guide You

There’s an often question in Lord of the Rings (that surely annoys a lot of hardcore fans) that asks, “Why didn’t the Eagles simply fly Frodo to Mordor?” or “Why didn’t Gandalf just save the day, all the time?”. Without getting into the logistics & mythology of Middle Earth–it’s an interesting question. The answer I think is less in the action of a fantasy movie and more of a valuable message that is conveyed.

In the Lord of the Rings & Hobbit, Gandalf and the eagles are sort of angels only taking the form of a wizard with a pointy hat and a very large eagle. They often “save the day” when there’s some real trouble going on so many posit the question, why don’t they just… save the day all the time? Why don’t they just defeat the bad, the uncomfortable, the evil and it all be over with and done. If there’s good, why must there be the experience of bad?

Besides the fact that makes for a boring story not worth reading/watching, I think the lesson is that Gandalf or the Eagles only assist in situations where one puts themselves out there and strives to face the evils of the world head-on. In every instance of being saved, the characters sought out on their own merit to seek to do good in the face of bad. The lesson therefore is that these symbolic spirits were only willing to ‘guard’ you if you’re trying at something scary, unpredictable and inherently risky.

While we don’t have to get into the religiosity of the matter nor the fantasy of goblins, elves or orcs–I believe that message holds true for the real world. The victor will be the one who jumps towards something even if it’s unpleasant, scary and new. Moreover, while we don’t very much look like an Eagle or Gandalf the Grey, we like to think of ourselves as being that guiding sort of help when in need for you when considering moving abroad and setting up a new good life for yourself.

All it takes is for you to take the leap, and we’ll try our absolute hardest at finding the best solutions for you to reduce taxes, set up second residencies, open up foreign bank accounts, store gold overseas and reduce cost of living.

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