Now, Jokes Require Certification

Digital Gulag for me…

It is stuff like this that have motivated me to launch On The Ball. There is an immense amount of censorship on the internet and the space where we share information. I’m well aware I’m not the only person who had been censored on Twitter daily, it seems to be a commonplace maneuver regardless of the content (I don’t buy Elon Musk’s “commitment to free speech” on Twitter/X). Although, I just wanted to demonstrate how ‘far gone’ the US government/big tech are from liberty, freedom and truth—I realize I may be telling something that’s not new to your eyes here so I’ll keep this one brief.

Sounds serious.

You will be unable to see the original content, but I was replying to a Tweet discussing the increase in Debt to GDP ratios across the world over the last couple of years. There are many countries still in a good position, but many are now >90 and even exceed 100% of GDP (USA is 130-160% now). If no one internationally is willing to lend or anyone domestically willing to cut spending, then inflation is the only way to tackle this debt pile. Nevertheless, I had a look at the countries with a very low debt load relative to their economies and guess who scores remarkably well (oh boy, cover your eyes…)—Russia.

Even Twitter hates how much debt USA owes.

According to Trading Economics, Russia posts a Debt: GDP of 18.20%, amongst the lowest in the world. Also, an interesting statistic is that Russia’s gold reserves relative to their GDP is the highest in the world. This is not to say they own the most gold on their central banks’ balance sheet, simply relative to their economy—it’s a lot.

In the same post, I’ve said that Russia’s current inflation is at 2.3% which just so happens to be the target that the Federal Reserve is continuing to miss. Collectively, the fact that they are not burdened by debt, their reserves are stable & accounted for and they were able to bring inflation down despite the numerous sanctions placed upon them, doesn’t look good for the Bidenistas. This fundamentally challenges the West’s narrative that Russia is suffering/struggling.

Perhaps the part that triggered the algorithm was my joke that Russia was clearly the loser because it never had a tranny assistant health secretary like the USA did. A computer fails to distinguish the point that the USA have been focussing on the wrong priorities for many years now. I’m sure Americans genuinely wouldn’t mind what gender their leaders were if something like capital gains tax were lower—hey that makes for an interesting study. Maybe I can look into it and submit that when I’m out from the Twitter Gulag. Follow on Twitter Below!

While you’re still free #StayOnTheBall