Japan Launches a Nomad Visa!

Japan has just announced it’s own Digital Nomad Visa for March 2024

If one can prove an income of 10M Japanese Yen or more ($68300 USD equivalent) they are able to receive a six month visa stay. Private health insurance is also a requirement but spouses/children will be able to arrive in conjunction with ones application.

Digital Nomads are a group of entrepreneur/business person or mobile employee who are able to work irrespective of their location; the number of nomad visas has now shot up to sixty in the world after the 2020 global lockdowns.

Interested? Learn more about Japan here

Japan specifies a number of activities that qualify under their new regime (self-employed workers are included) and extend the offer to 49 countries (nationals) with whom they have double tax treaty agreements.

The sixth month period was decided after many feedback from existing expat nomads who could only stay 90 days a period who said they’d wish for a longer stay and up to 6 months would be comfortable. In effect, the nomad visa is an extended tourist visa as there will be no residency card or certificate issued nor can it be renewed (you will have to leave and apply for a new one). Tax implications may come about however.

Are you interested in becoming a nomad or learning more about tax benefits of Japan?
