Kill Gates is at it again…Biting Away at a New Scam
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This psychopathic fraud obsessed with reducing the world’s population is at it again with his human experiments. This time, by funding a new genetically-modifying technology in mosquitos. After waiting years and years for regulatory approval, he is now orchestrating releasing these mosquitos amongst the population in effort (alleged) to treat malaria and dengue fever (just like Covid, non-lethal with affordable alternative treatments).
Where are they testing this out? Zambia? Ethiopia? Bangladesh? Nope. Florida. Despite the fact Malaria had never been a problem for 60 years!
The technology is designed to create new lineages of malaria-resistant mosquitos but I believe there’s more that meets the eye:
Let’s Dive In!
In 2021 Bill Gates released 150,000 GMO mosquitos in the United States. It’s estimated they reproduced over 16 weeks bringing the total to 20 million mosquitoes. The Gates Foundation hasn’t hesitated to spend millions and millions on a new malaria vaccines and drugs at the same time.
At the same time, it’s peculiar that the decision to release these agents of science in Texas and Florida, a place where malaria effects 0.2 in every 100,000 (shouldn’t overdoses, car crashes, domestic violence, or almost anything else warrant more attention?). Malaria reliably shows no deaths.
But do you know how it is diagnosed? Travel. People go to a foreign country and come back to the United States with it.
That’s changing. As per Communist News Network:
There are two more cases of locally acquired malaria in Sarasota County, according to the Florida Department of Health, bringing the total number of cases to eight in the state. At the end of June, the Florida department issued a statewide mosquito-borne illness advisory following the initial four cases of malaria. By July, it has been raised to eight.
The Texas Department of State Health Services said on Friday that it is still aware of only one case of malaria there, but they are still on the lookout for other cases. Texas is also monitoring the region’s mosquito population for the disease. These locally acquired cases of malaria are the first in the United States in the last 20 years, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
This raises my suspicion bells further. While these numbers are not anything out of the ordinary in any given year, the “locally acquired” is new. Plus, why is the Texas Department of Health Services caring over 1 case of the non-lethal disease? Is this Con-vid again where everything stops because one person is ill with a illness. I’m reminded of the meme saying “Let’s all just stay inside so nobody dies ever again”. Lastly, why is it such that the “treatment” for something that hardly exists, now all of a sudden exists in the form of a vaccine (which the Gates Foundation heavily in)?
Create the problem–get paid to fix the problem. Over and Over. Kill off people in the process. Win-Win for a psychopath.
The all trusty criminal syndicates known as The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) claim that “those not linked to travel outside the country — constitute a public health emergency”. Where have you heard that before?
Alright, so what…?
You’re saying okay okay I get it, but what if this new technology works? I’ll ignore the fact that the number one killer of humans in nature IS THE MOSQUITO, if it truly works solve a problem that doesn’t really need solving right now.
Well, what’s more peculiar is that I cannot find ample evidence that this technology had previously been successful using a number of samples, ethnicities, ages, and most importantly, a control group with respect to malaria and mosquitos (again, the issue people claim with vaccine research is often the lack of control group before it is licensed by the corrupt three letter agencies). Gates’ (or rather, his partner’s) is not a fool by any stretch of the imagination. It seems like his idea is less to eliminate the disease spreading capabilities in mosquitos–rather it’s just to kill all the mosquito populations altogether.
Oxitec has developed a self-limiting technology that selects against female mosquitoes — the ones who bite and spread disease. When male mosquitoes carrying Oxitec’s self-limiting gene are released, they mate with wild females. The females of their offspring will die before adulthood, while the surviving males can mate again with wild females. The self-limiting gene can survive for up to ten generations, after which no genetically-modified mosquitoes remain
So… all they’re going to do is kill off the female mosquitos throughout 10 generations (how do they know this will hold true?) and keep the males. Well what happens when we have no more mosquitos. A quick search will show you:
“It would be a global catastrophe, many animals could decline due to a lack of food and we humans would have a lack of food as well. Fish populations could be impacted, as many fish species rely on mosquito larvae as a food source. Bats that rely largely on mosquitoes for food may also decline or even go extinct if mosquitoes also did or came close”.
Let’s ask our AI machine:
Mosquitoes play a role in the ecosystem as a food source for other animals, such as fish, birds, and bats. Eliminating all mosquitoes could disrupt the food chain and have unforeseen consequences on the ecosystem. However, scientists are exploring various ways to control mosquito populations, such as through targeted methods that minimize impact on the environment. It’s important to consider the potential ripple effects before taking drastic action
Kill Gates will be long dead by the time this materialized but it would absolutely influence the entire ecosystem.
Talk about Climate Change!
Research Studies
However, I will say the application of Wolbachia bacteria has been evaluated far more extensively. But, I’m skeptical. At least see below, where I breakdown one study– it’s all a sham.
Gates is responsible for breeding mosquitos with ‘Wolbachia’ bacteria to fight dengue fever and yellow fever all over the world, but I cannot find any clear cut findings once you start asking questions to suggest that it may be a bad idea to unleash this onto citizens. As far as I can tell, the government (the agency by which it was being studied) gave the green light to unleash these insects very easily. I am reminded of Jim Carrey’s How the Grinch Stole Grinch releasing the moths to eat the Christmas stockings saying “Let’s go fellas, it’s chow time”.
In one study the results they did show were observational studies between two areas that showed insignificant reductions. In another, one that made it to the New England Journal of Medicine which was deemed a large success, they go to say that there’s a 71% reduction in the infected area (with Wolbachia) vs. control area; they also show less hospitalization rates (down 86%). But it was all bullshit! They did not control for/evaluate the following:
- Wind patterns (affecting the location of the mosquito); the measures were based on residence of the subject. All of the mosquitos could have left one area (or never been present at all). This was never evaluated
- Seasons (latency)
Why does this matter? The results from a similar study (Hien et al, 2022) “Releases of wMel Wolbachia Ae. aegypti mosquitoes in two small communities in Nha Trang City resulted in the initial establishment of Wolbachia in the local Ae. aegypti mosquito populations, followed by seasonal fluctuations in Wolbachia prevalence. There was significant small-scale spatial heterogeneity in Wolbachia infection prevalence in the Tri Nguyen Village site, resulting in the loss of wMel Wolbachia infection in mosquitoes in north and center areas, despite Wolbachia prevalence remaining high in mosquitoes in the south area. In the second site, Vinh Luong Ward, Wolbachia has persisted at a high level in mosquitoes throughout this site despite similar seasonal fluctuations in wMel Wolbachia prevalence” In other words, the infection in the mosquitos does not hold constant depending on various season fluctuations (let alone decade long changes as Bill Gates wants). - They used a lower definition of fever (to include more people as “sick” to show that they have been cured)
- “Participants were not eligible if they had localizing symptoms suggestive of a specific diagnosis other than an arboviral infection” The symptoms named (to be rejected) had crossover, effectively reducing the count of the EXACT THING they were supposedly measuring. Said another way, they were reducing the sample of results that could prove them wrong.
- Those sampled (ethnicity, blood type, etc.); “There was no evidence that this changed the health care–seeking behaviour of community members in subsequent years” but they do not provide analysis that their subjects did not amend behaviour.
- Following the sampling of blood quote, “No information on the clinical severity of VCD cases was collected and no information on clinical diagnoses or severity of non-VCD cases was acquired” They literally just measured if they went to the hospital. If you fell on your scooter in the control group, you were treated as a sickly dengue patient who got worse without their mosquito treatment. This reminds me of the people who died in a car accident who had covid, died of Covid. Sound familiar?
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- “There was no pre-specified plan to control for multiple testing in the analysis of secondary end points” <—no study of symptoms
- There was no mention of the number of mosquitos released and/or active in the analysis. Just that they were released periodically for a time period.
- A subject was deemed to have been residence in one area if they were there the last 10 days, but it didn’t factor in before this–where infection could have occurred, skewing results.
- Amazingly, they did NO prior health examination of those sampled NOR the geographical differences of the subjects (were they predisposed with autoimmune issues?, genetic diseases? malnutrition? poisoning?)
- the cross over (could the control have been bitten by the infected variable? The distance was only about 1km) (this ties into wind patterns)
I actually couldn’t believe the similarity between the whole Covid hysteria and these future plans. Look at the measure used in this study:
- You know how they “tested” for the pathology? The all trusty, reliable: reverse-transcriptase–polymerase-chain-reaction (RT-PCR) assay. Same used in Covid.
- Follow up only lasted 21 days after hospitalization (are these people still alive today? So…did the mosquito kill them on day 22?)
- “No placebo was used in the control clusters”
- No participants had died (even in the “control”; non fatal) (not a fault of the study but highlights the non-severe nature of the disease)
They even admit that it’s not fool proof.
- According to their measure, 6.1% (of 6305 studied) still had Viralogically Confirmed Dengue (VCD)–the mosquito did nothing.
- The samples studies were literally chosen to fit the narrative that their intervention works: “In brief, we determined that 400 cases of VCD and 1600 test-negative controls would be needed to give the trial 80% power to detect a 50% lower incidence of VCD among participants in intervention clusters than among those in control clusters”
- VCD isn’t even a recognized disease
This is the study they’re using to push these tests forward! Every single study that does show more vigor & convincing results (compared to that above posing as a success story) is published in “Gates Open Research” aaaaaand guess who funds those studies.
I sense a fox in the hen house.
Take 1 minutes to listen to this
Did you hear that? Malaria?
This is genetic therapy round 2. Make no mistake. This technology will be used against their own people as well as enemy populations–or a threat to those who don’t adopt certain things such as new debts, use of the US dollar, cough-up their oil or reject vaccine mandates.
If you think it’s all bullshit and a “conspiracy” simple just find the a new patented technology to exhibit this kind of intervention: US Patent: US-8967029B1
Unconventional Warfare, Legal
Governments have sought after weapons that can be used to deliver chemicals, viral and bacteriological substances for lethal and non-lethal administration to assembled masses of people. Non-lethal uses typically include peacekeeping operations, for use in actions not considered “military operations,” and against terrorists or state actors in war. In this sense, such weapons can be used to control both armed enemies and civilians. Not all uses of such weapons are prohibited by treaty. The present invention is capable of delivering lethal and non-lethal toxins, including any agent that can be carried and administered by a mosquito.
In the United States, lethal chemical weapons are regulated by the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction, which entered into force in 1997. This treaty is usually referred to as the Chemical Weapons Convention. It is an arms control treaty with 165 signatory countries and it outlaws the production, stockpiling, and use of chemical weapons and their precursors. The treaty has been interpreted to allow the development of non-lethal chemicals, such as calmative and gastrointestinal convulsives, when classified as riot control agents. Additionally, non-lethal weapons involving calmative agents have been studied for use by the U.S. armed forces.
In the United States, lethal biological weapons are regulated by the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction (usually referred to as the Biological Weapons Convention. This is a 1972 treaty banning the production of microbial and other biological agents or toxins and their means of delivery. This treaty has been interpreted not to apply to the biological agents or toxins themselves, but rather certain purposes for which they may be employed which are prohibited. Thus, there are permitted purposes defined to include prophylactic, protective and other peaceful purposes. The biological agents or toxins may not be retained in quantities that have no justification or which are inconsistent with the permitted purposes.
Background for US Patent purpose
The background behind the US Patent filing– they’re literally telling you.
This will be used for nefarious purposes. Whether it is used for warfare, another medicine campaign, lockdown or silent killing operation, I cannot be sure. The evidence is flimsy at best yet they’re pushing it forward to cause more problems for local populations. Until people wake up that the existence of the state itself is nothing more than coercion and a license to commit murder with a monopoly over the law (which is what is being used here), these problems will continue exist.
It’s their playbook over again. It matches the global vaccine playbook. Invest in research, guide the findings how you want, unleash it & never-mind the side effects/deaths because you’ll come out with the cure for wicked investment returns. Re-invest into new methods with the appearance of them being altruistic, innovative and supportive & the cycle repeats with less people on the planet. Oh, the important part is to make sure anyone calling this out or asking questions is labelled as a conspiracy theorist & censor the truth. Which is why you should share this!
The cycle of death continues.
Remember Plebs, Trust the Science.