I’m Calling Bullshit, Sort of.
Many have considered this to be 100% true and set in stone. While I do recommend reading the book and commend the quality of writing, I felt the need to play devils advocate on this one. Too many alarm bells had gone off for me.
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What is it?
The Great Taking by David Rogers Webb is a book that exposes the system that central banks have in place to take collateral from people on a massive scale, through the manipulation of money creation, debt, and securities ownership. Webb says that you don’t actually own your stocks and bonds, but instead have a “security entitlement” which is as squishy as it sounds. He therefore argues those with the senior-most claim to your financial assets will simply take them, on the scale of 100s of Trillions.
Another Rant, So Let’s Begin:
The size of the Great Taking claim is to encompass all that ever was and ever will be seems far-fetched to me. Yes, the whole scamdemic was far-fetched and crazy to say the least–but it was nothing too shocking given prior human behaviour shown during World War 2, Stanley Milgrams’ famous experiments or the Salem Witch trials. Mass Psychoses do occur. The events of Covid were a time where some people received a bioweapon, collected small sums of “free money” and others bought a second yacht in Moncao by owning Moderna Call Options & stayed free from any policy. It was an immense wealth transfer, and a healthy percentage of the population still aren’t truly aware of all the details (I reference you to Dr. David Martin for more). Despite the size of this asset transfer (in the trillions), it is still nowhere near the deliberate the seizure of every single asset that exists. We’re talking about all inventory, mineral rights, water rights, IP, stocks, bonds, real estate, commercial buildings, cash, cryptocurrency, gold, all derivatives, plant and equipment… everything. The scale of this would be so widespread that there is no way it wouldn’t crush their own fingers as they go to grab onto it (“they” being the Central Planners). A functioning economy, digital or not, financial or real, is still required for the sociopaths of the world to exert power and control. Is there a market if nobody can buy their real estate anymore? With no market, what’s the point?
Character Flaws?
It’s worth noting that my suspicions of this whole thing were only raised from his narcissism and peculiar stories. I was often thinking “did he really need to mention that about himself?” and “did that really happen?” or “Why don’t more people know about him & his investment calls…why is he warning everybody suddenly and never once when he was actively involved with markets?”. I tended to remain critical, but without even thinking of the author, it felt as though there was something to prove or eagerness to be something he wasn’t. I could be totally wrong, but I hadn’t felt that with other books/texts…who may even sound cocky during interviews. Speaking of the author:
Many have been critical of the author himself given the lack of information on him (supporting his background); especially given the rather impressive personal claims in his book. David Rogers Webb claims to have deep experience with investigation and analysis with challenging and deceptive environments (government? ha) including the M&A boom of the 80s, venture capital and public markets. He managed hedge funds through the dot-com bubble–> But many struggle to find profiles, articles, interviews, calls, posts and so on by only citing a few. What’s more, is that these posts that do exist are 20 years old.
The Editor of the book was Michael Palmer, MD. It’s strange that the Michael Palmer, MD that is all over the web and having writing/editing experience died in 2013; which would imply the book was written over 10 years ago. Although if you read it, there are many items/themes in the book that insinuate that it was written quite recently. So, which was it?
Webb had also blown up his company in 2004 and dissolved it thereafter only to resurface years later. Perhaps I am stretching, but could it be that he is still sour about blowing up his fund years ago?
Another aspect that I believe to be noteworthy is the quality of the written text. The book was extremely well done and it is peculiar for this to be done without any other [noted] writing experience. Again, the argument that this text had been worked on for years appears unlikely given the recency implied in a lot of the text.
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Alarm Bells
Some obvious alarm bells have gone off when I had figured out that Mr. Webb currently lives in Sweden. He claims to have first moved to Sweden in 2003 when he had to buy a house in order to bypass laws of his custodian going bankrupt in the USA on Swedish debt. Sweden? The place with no cash, insect potato snacks, microchips under the skin and Somalians? Webb articulates his distaste for the state of things far better than I could, and I agree with nearly everything said but it then becomes difficult to see how he’d be content with a country like Sweden.
Another obvious thing that makes me skeptical is that he never mentions ‘who’ is going to pull out the rug; just than it can be pulled. We tend to read this and fill in the blank with the WEF-types, but it makes me skeptical that there is no single person or specific group that is highlighted.
It’s still possible to receive paper title deeds
Why is this written?
As the other claims state in his book, his efforts in the latter part of his career are to wake people up to the world we are living in (or something to this effect); however there are simply no monetary rewards by the author at all. I thought that this is somewhat strange given the work that has been put into it.
Wait, Swedish Debt, Really?
If we assume the highest point on the Swedish 10-year in 2003, the yield was 4.94%. Of course, there’s no way to tell how much he placed on this–but this was only a maximum of 70 basis points compared to what USA and German 10-year bonds were paying at this time–hardly a compelling arbitrage to go all-in on Sweden vs. other debt markets (to the point of buying a house). Especially considering that trust in the financial system was far, far higher back then and quantitative easing had not yet begun.
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And he still lives there…
Sweden has become the rape capital of the world, it has suffered tremendously from mass migration and is a very, very high tax welfare state. Sweden is also a rather dystopian place that has already banned cash and is subservient to their Brussels and Washington masters. Being a welfare state, by definition it is not a place that champions private property right
and put simply, it is a European Union country. Here are a number of articles I wrote on Europe:
If he truly has the experience that was alleged, why would he settle for this place? The rich head to places like St Barts, Cayman Islands, Uruguay, Panama, Monaco, Switzerland, Jersey for a reason. Even many 3rd world countries are fantastic hedges for the kinds of threats he is talking about due to their lack of sophistication, financialization, and stable food production. I’m digressing from the book here I realize, but something feels fishy. Lets Keep Going:
Quantifying it
How does one quantify the risk of the Great Taking? It’s possible to quantify the risk in a given asset class, sector, jurisdiction, but how does one gather data that they can use to calculate the probability of global seizure of the world’s finances? Other than being diversified in counter-jurisdictions (East vs. West) and in physical assets that have no digital nature, it’s difficult to gauge the likelihood of what Webb is suggesting. Funnily enough, like Covid–its the inherent lack of measurement that tends to scare people.
Why I Think This is Overreacting
First of all, if a Great Taking happens– we would have international global war immediately. Within 24 hours, missiles would be positioned or shot off and we may be worried about our food, water and bodily health a bit more than out 50,000 USD brokerage accounts. To me, it seems more reasonable that a seizure of assets would be politically oriented towards oligarch-types, as we’ve already seen, rather than a mass accumulation of everybody accounts, risking a blow back. After all, it’s the folks that have the capital to buy Presidents and politicians that make changes, not our savings accounts. In other words, one bar of gold is far more valuable than a millions and millions of pieces of rock.
Moreover, it seems that this is too drastic because of the fragility of the current the system. For instance, the Fed doesn’t need to do much to have a majority hooked on the CBDC train. People literally received poison in exchange for a donut a couple years ago. If you’re interested, I wrote about why I don’t believe a Civil War [like the first one] is likely given the sheer indebtedness and reliance on the state for food, entertainment, money, healthcare, education and weaponry. To use a chess term, it’s already checkmate.
I totally subscribe to the bankers and political parasites being purely evil; but they’re not all dumb, and If I was in their position… its hard to see that this would be the best method to enslave the world given it’s visceral nature. I’d continue doing the same with high interest rates, spending/money printing, more regulations and raise taxes, offset by more government aid.
Webb often states the relevance of credit expansion to crush corporations. Again, if I was the evil mastermind, why wouldn’t I [Central Bank] stop all support channels to let the zombies corporations finally die and when trillions of dollars are lost, then come in with my dystopian “relief plan”? They just need to let everything go to money heaven so there is no money left to viably oppose them with their own form of transportation, gold, lawyers, media, weaponry, telecommunications, cryptocurrency, private lands, etc. Everybody is already debted to their ears, all it takes it a little shove. Worse yet are the pension plans which are already tremendously bankrupt. Defaulting on them (or creating policy like raising the age or saying you must be ______ to receive it) is much easier than to scrap everything and say “Yea we did that…tough luck”.
It’s literally Mr. Webb who uses the Sun Tzu quote of “supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting”. The Great Taking is the epitome of deliberately “fighting” if you ask me.
I agree on the threats to personal freedom, but disagree on the tactics used against it
This act of seizing it all would be to burn everything down to rule over the ashes but worse, because it would ensure that there is not even a chance to rebuild as nobody would trust/support the central planners again
The World We Live In
Taking everything to its extreme, which this claim strives to do intellectually– forces you to realize you can apply this theory of private property and ownership to find that nothing really is owned by you. If you do not have WiFi or Wired internet, than you are not free to access your online brokerage account even if you do own the certificates for whats inside of the account. Do you own your land if you have a title deed and 50 squatters on it? Do you own your gold if its in a vault offshore? Do you own your car if you’re not sitting inside of it?
You could play this game indefinitely whereby every single transaction is dependent on some other service or good for you to retain ownership. There is always counterparty risk, no?
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Nothing New
A reset itself, is not an unheard of event throughout monetary history. Look at Argentina and Brazil the last 60 years alone, how many resets have they undergone? Perhaps we’re so accustomed to matters going great (“Buy it and make money”) that we are a bit more thrilled by this concept than we should otherwise be. As you know, the lesson of history is that people never learn from history.
Likewise, serfdom or slavery is more-so the rule than the exception throughout human history. While peasant revolts typically are unsuccessful, it’s hard to see how there wouldn’t be one invoked if the goal was mass serfdom, overnight.
Okay it happened, what are you going to do about it?
Moreover, the enforcement arm (the police and military) would be impacted by such a scheme which makes it difficult to believe that they would continue to adhere to their jobs. If they don’t mass evict a bunch of people who’s real estate is now not theirs; who is going to remove people from their homes? Said another way, would people really move from their house if they were made unable to pay it? I believe people would stay.
No Confident ‘Bad Guys’
It’s important to note that everybody in any sort of position of authority, whether it be London, Washington, Brussels or Davos, are all cowards. They are all scheming psychopathic liars who would do everything in their power to deny blame of significant confiscation. There are too many paths for hell to strike for those in huge amounts of debt, relying on state pensions and state medical care anyway– why should we expect cowards to risk even more faults? There are no dictators in the West who are proud of being dictators and perfectly accepting of being guilty of such asset seizures. They are gutless and leaderless, probably their only good feature!
A Story with No Ending
There are three great holes in Webb’s work here.
Firstly, he never once articulates “how” any of this is going to happen. He simply states that it can and will happen, but he doesn’t break down any sort of plan in place or how this legal rats nest may unfold. If he took a crack at it and was wrong, I would still view this with more authenticity than no forecast or prediction at all. It's a murder story whereby we don't know how the victim died.
Secondly, he does not articulate ‘what’ one should do to circumvent this doom. He’s been reluctant to give specifics beyond working on yourself personally, but that simply avoids answering the question. It’s also a murder story whereby he never reveals how to solve the crime. This has been true in his interviews.
According to him, there are no solutions outside of legal activism which seems narrow to me for such a significant multitudinal, broad problem.
…a State Secretary in the Swedish government arranged for me to meet with the Minister and the State Secretary for Financial Markets. I was so moved when I received the email informing me of this, tears came to my eyes; it gave me hope that in Sweden it might be possible to make a difference, and thus to turn the tide somewhere. I am forever grateful to them for that meeting; such a thing would never be allowed in the land of my birth. They heard me out about the implications of conforming to the U.S. model, and did not disagree. They said it might be possible to avoid this if the Germans would stand against it, the implication being that little
On the liability of Euroclear; but Webb did not tell any further regarding Sweden! No solutions!
Lastly, as I mentioned before, he doesn’t articulate ‘who’ the Central Planning types are and who will be those that are guilty. He references the clearing systems, the Central Banks, the brokerages, but without any precision to exact the blame. In so far that laws would still exist, who [exactly] would be legally liable or guilty for this ‘Taking’ transaction? It's a murder story where we don't know who did it.
Why I Still Believe Hell is Coming
The nature of Central Banking is to consolidate power and influence. Central banking is quite literally a proponent of communist philosophy and for most of financial history had not been a reality in its present form. Despite its novelty, we can still believe that such a scheme would be a wet dream for these plotters.
It’s important to note that I am NOT saying that counter-party risk isn’t a serious threat, nor am I saying that political risk around the world is low. It’s quite to the contrary…We’re looking at a time where the entire monetary system is on its way out + the emergence of sophisticated technology presents a whole new set of unprecedented variables to face. We can bet with near certainty that custodians, banks, brokers, funds, real estate firms, will collapse. This fact, due to the level of derivatives is going to cause a chain reaction perhaps worse than 2008. However, I believe this to be a fundamentally different result than the deliberate seizure of pooled assets. A financial collapse due to poor collateral, falling yields, socialized governance and debt levels is going to break whether our brokerage accounts are digital or not–and the “little guy” in retail is always the slowest to get out of the way of the catastrophe.
It has been a deliberate strategy executed over decades. This was the
purpose of inflating the global bubble entirely out of proportion with
any real world thing or activity, which must end in disaster for so many,
with no pockets of resilience allowed to remain in any country
Centralization of the economy is doomed to fail and every aspect of our life is entering into a consolidation of further centralization–the economy, the finances, the money, home ownership, regulations, legal policies, even Bitcoin! Even if I think the Great Taking won’t happen–it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have extreme worries about their future financial situation & freedom.
Here we are merely arguing whether the central planners uses a gun or a knife to kill us, missing the point that their ultimate goal is in fact to kill. It’s to kill everything that you value dearly, the freedom to own, the freedom consent in business negotiations, the freedom to possess your own autonomy over your assets. This is all under threat in so far that government plays a significant role in our lives and central banks exist.
It comes back to that line, “If your enemy is making a mistake, don’t stop him”. If we are the enemy and the trend is a series of financial, health & wealth mistakes or misallocations, than why should the central planners do anything? They’ve already trapped most people on credit cards, mortgages, cell phones and school/film/television propaganda. While the central planners are evil, I can’t imagine all are so dumb to unveil the Great Taking– Sun Tzu’s strategies don’t apply here.
Perhaps I am wrong and the Great Taking is the final event to this World Order before the attempt at a new one, but I am holding the position that the central planners are far more clever and the general population are far more vulnerable and a “taking” doesn’t need to occur. They strive to win, just like you and I, and being so obviously provocative, disruptive and blatant about this asset seizure is not a position on how to win–especially when they have so many other methods at their disposal.
If I go back to my murder story analogy--I don't think they, whoever they are, will get away with it this time...