IQ and Crime

Rant: From Travels of the World

I was in Mexico having a think to myself on the balcony the other day after unfortunately witnessing a brutal set of crimes on my X account committed somewhere in Colombia.

And to get the horrible images from my mind I thought, “why the hell is this region such a nightmare for crime, homicide and death?”. Pondering these thoughts, I’ve thought of a rather politically incorrect thought

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And for disclosure, I’m writing this for you to benefit in choosing a safe place, not to crap on other countries or the people who live there.

I cannot think of a High IQ country that is known for its high crime rates, particularly with respect to gun crime and homicides. I think this is due to three main reasons:

  1. Highly intelligent countries have the general attitude and unofficial understanding or agreement that it’s better if we were all to get along in peace. This could be the culture stance to “not stand out” such as Japan, South Korea or the more liberty-oriented one such as Britain or United States. The fact that private property is often highly regarded in the culture and legal system may be a function of their higher presence of intellect; the reverse is true wherever you look. In fact, lower IQ countries seem perfectly content with living amongst each other with very little privacy.
  2. By contrast, low intelligence countries have less executive functioning, planning and problem-solving capacity. They are, put simply, very much “in the moment” type people. As opposed to other highly intelligent countries who are persistent in their endeavours and able to process complex information and apply it against some time variable.

    This can be applied to the infrastructure, wealth, investment soundness or employment opportunities in the country but also crime. One person may realize, “I have work tomorrow, I need to sleep now to be prepared to get my work done tomorrow because 5 years from now I’ll be secure for my family” whereas another may think “eh, what the hell, what’s another drink” and may even think sucker punching somebody is a good idea, at least in the moment.

    A place that generally lives in the moment is always responding to immediate stimuli who are not particularly concerned about the long-term consequences of their short-term actions–once again I believe this is a product of a weakened developed prefrontal cortex associate with intellect.
  3. Lastly, somebody who is living in the moment typically is not preoccupied with a great deal of thinking, planning or future forecasting in their life or those around them. This would mean that it would quite difficult for this person to efficiently exploit their opportunities in their vicinity. Africa and South America is nothing but resources; it is absolutely covered with wealth and opportunity. There are enough riches and people to make a whole city of millionaires 10X over.

    However, the intrinsic motivation to exploit what is rightfully theirs is dropped or left for MaƱana and others, often foreigners with a burning desire to produce, take the opportunity instead. A small group of hyper-motivated people expand their wealth by utilizing people and the commodity held in the land. Ultimately, this leads to a higher wealth inequality gap between those who produce or own and those who do nothing (or live on a very short-term planning basis). The wealth inequality gap causes people who are unable to handle a complex world to resort to stealing, trickery or even homicide.

    Naturally, to assist in their stealing habit, the locals of Low IQ nations call for action to be done to cure their poverty--> which always leads to electing a socialist to power who promises all sorts of goodies and free gifts. Better yet, a slice of comfort cake can be sold that the wealth will come from the successful who were able to seize the opportunity year prior.

    These countries revert back to socialism– where they are now both poor AND without any production (look at Brazil, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Ghana now). Lack of production and poverty always yields high crime rates.

The opportunity was there for the taking (look at how Faroe Islands turned their nothing islands to a fishery powerhouse, how Norway exploited their oil fields, How the Netherlands seemingly can build a liveable place out of a bog or rocky hill, how Mexico takes advantage of their coast or how Singapore (a nothing island) turned into a safe business hub)–but the majority of countries willfully do nothing about it. I cannot stress this enough–MOST places do nothing to change their situation.

Their lackadaisy approach was not a product of sunny skies, great food, fiestas or pre-existing wealth; it is a lack of awareness of the world, its complex problems and hence, an inability to solve meaningful problems within it (which all business ultimate seeks to do for a profit).

High IQ countries who value cooperation, forward-thinking and problem-solving on average produce citizens who are able to attack a problem that requires work or produce in excess so that everybody benefits. This level of security or expectation translates into lower crime rates (why shoot your neighbour for their purse when you can purchase your own purse?).

It can feel a bit like a chicken or the egg problem–but since it’s challenging to find a country with a high IQ and high crime rate, I believe it’s that High IQ countries tend to yield safer places to live.


I don’t mean to pick on any country or anyone in those countries–rather I wish to speak frankly with respect to the safety one can expect when moving or setting up a Plan B and whether matters will “turn-around” for the better anytime soon.

I also want to challenge you to think of a country with an IQ of lets say 95 or above that has terribly high gun, knife or homicide data. Please consider those who are the most guilty within the crime statistics (for instance, East Africans are overwhelming responsible for the crime data in Sweden; not Swedes).

Let me know in the live chat!


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