Is Gumroad Stuck With Trouble Makers?

Scammers are Taking Advantage, in a Weird Way…

I was wrongfully banned from Gumroad, a website platform that seeks to host businesses all over the world to interact & sell their products to the general public. At first, I thought the tenets of free speech and general overtones triggered some wokesters and they wanted to shut us down. It sure seemed like that at first.

After a quick appeal, I realized that there was something more broad and strange going on with this platform. Check out the link here to see one of our offers!



We apologize for the inconvenience, but we noticed certain behaviours in your account that indicate possible violations of our Terms of Service. As we are a small company, reliant on our banking partners and forced to uphold their policies (as well as various government regulations), we have to temporarily suspend your account to make sure this behaviour doesn’t continue.

It’s also entirely possible that this suspension was made in error! We do make mistakes, and we apologize in advance if we’ve done so. By emailing us, you’ll not only get your own situation settled, but you’ll help prevent something like this from happening to other creators.

“Ensure this behaviour didn’t continue?” What the hell were they on about? Like you always should do, I read the legal agreements/terms/forms, particularly the terms of service and our documentation about suspensions.

I received an immediate reply–> Since you’re writing in from a suspended account, here are some common reasons for account suspension:

  1. Did you try to list one of the Things You Can’t Sell on Gumroad? Common mistakes include IPTV services, PLR (Reseller Products), products related to credit repair, health products, and services.
  2. Has your account been suspended before listing your first product? In this case, please let us know what you plan on selling on Gumroad.
  3. Here we describe where the line is regarding Adult Content on Gumroad.

After going over to make sure I hadn’t triggered any of the following I received a full complete answer as to what happened–and someone has found a weird niche of scamming.


“Hey there, I’m so sorry for any confusion. I realize this would be a bizarre email to receive.

I’ll explain the situation: The short of it – this suspension was a huge mistake and I’ve corrected it. You’re good to go!

The long of it – A team of fraudsters have been using VPNs to “spoof” different IP addresses and manually create Gumroad accounts. They then use these Gumroad accounts to post spammy links for pirated music and movies, your standard male enhancement medications, and weirdly enough, articles about Cristiano Ronaldo”

I was told that these alleged spammers have created an astounding 1.3 million accounts in the past year. There was a level of confusion that they have an endless supply of patience and time, but obviously they are leveraging these tricks for it to be financially worthy.

It turned out that they ended up spoofing an IP address on me, coincidentally, one I also used in the past when logging in to Gumroad. It makes sense if you’re creating many millions of accounts. Based on their IP addresses, they issued a mass suspension of these accounts and my account appears to have been caught in the net as a result.

My account has been unsuspended, they assured it won’t happen again & apologized.


I was quick to denounce them as being totally captured by the neo-marxism agenda which is absolutely contrary to our website on On The Ball here. However, their quick thorough explanation made it more clear–I’m not sure what the solution is to make sure these scammers don’t continue to spam the site. A more thorough review of their account holders (but would this turn too many away?) or a looser terms & conditions policy? It seems like it will continue for now–but my opinion is that they are not a scam website in case you are wondering.

Perhaps this is a nice little economic indicator–when people begin mass selling male sex enhancers and Ronaldo articles, there’s a problem in the economy.

In any case, please click the link here to view our offers presented on Gumroad (below) and if you have any questions (or business ideas yourself) don’t hesitate to contact using the form in the top right!

#StayOnTheBall entrepreneurs