Fighting for What?Small Poll; Big Message

Is Anywhere Worth It?

I had asked this question to some associates:

Is there a country you’d be willing to fight for (in combat; militarily) that you’re not apart of

In other words, I wanted to get a sense of whether there were some countries, some philosophies, some ideologies, that people felt that they’d be willing to risk dying for to protect & preserve. This, unfortunately, had been necessarily throughout history to try to create something unique and preserve freedom of culture, language, values, beliefs, safety and autonomy.

Look at what George Washington was able to achieve with his supporters due to this previously held conviction. I wanted to get a sense whether some of my followers held the same beliefs in other countries (perhaps in wealthy low-tax Monaco, in Cayman Islands, in Argentina, in peaceful Thailand, etc.)

Another poll I ran only had two votes, with 1 saying no, and one saying yes; in Asia.


Please note that I believe the number of votes to be irrelevant, rather just the pattern. Go ahead, ask your friends and family, I bet the results will track the same. A 90% NO, with some variation of here and there of people who are favourable towards one place in each of the following.

We are living in a time where despite all of the conflict in the world; despite all of the anger and activism; despite all the eagerness to be heard and accepted; despite all of flags being flown–> there may be a serious possibility that all of this is an illusion and that nothing is crucially important.

Wars across the world are currently caused by a select few for power, politics and religion motives–but it is not the deep-seated will of the people of one nation vs. another. Do you think Russians want to be killing their brothers in Ukraine? Do Americans want to send their children to die for Israel? Do they feel like it’s worth it to give their life for their countries as it currently stands? As I heard from a friend in Mexico, “I love Mexico, but this crazy place is not worth dying over…”


The point here is that this is yet again another indication that we are now living amongst the collapse of the current society and greater financial system. We are in a process of decay after decades and decades of destabilization after the many years of demoralization.

Furthermore, this highlights the disconnect between the existing country (& flag) and the individuals who occupy it. Just like how you’re merely a student number, a dog tag in the army, or an employee number at a big corporation–ones’ existence is not integral to the existence of the country–and I believe people feel this deep-down (why is everyone so depressed!?). This to me, explains why the answers overwhelming select ‘No’ to the above question–they don’t feel like there is any country who cares, respects, or values their input and as a result, their life.

I believe this is just tip of the iceberg about what’s to come–> That’s why I am taking action now with a long-term plan.

What about you? Is there a country that you’d risk dying for to protect in its current form? Let me know below


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