Was It Worth It? The Ancestors Are Rolling In Their Graves

The New Citizen is Different than the Previous Citizen

The migrants coming to Europe, United States & Canada are coming from 3rd world countries. There’s a meme that floats on the internet that says “import the 3rd world; become the 3rd world”–which is entirely true. This is because the people leaving these backward countries do not suddenly become accustomed to the 1st world dynamics and its advanced, foreign complexities. If they could, their society back home wouldn’t be in such wreckage and misery (because they would just improve accordingly). Another perhaps more harsh meme is “Show me a country that has improved (or at minimum sustained itself) following independence from a European state”. You cannot. Matters revert back to the mean or said another way, water seeks its own level.

As far as I can tell, there is no slowing down of the migrant caravans and a sincere outrage is almost non-existent. Perhaps complaints are deliberately suppressed (use our platform to speak freely) but surely the migration is not met with the same level of resistance that once can imagine would be induced 100, 200, 300 years ago. Back then, people did what they could to have helped those in need but not in dismissal of property rights, culture & family security. Ironically, thats why the migrants are heading to these advanced civilizations in the first place–there ARE property rights (or were…). Check out the Russian lady who wrote in to describe a parallel between the migrants and the Plague

Nobody wants to acknowledge the fact that some countries, cultures, values and societies are superior to others–I am not pointing the finger at one in particular, just highlighting the unspoken obvious. If we only look at one metric of IQ, you’ll see that most of the world is far, far below the intelligence that a native of say Sweden, USA, Belarus or Argentina–in fact, its not even close. It’s like comparing the least intelligent student in the class to the smartest, multiplied by millions. The reality is that individuals with such IQ score (and again, this is just one metric not including criminality, warped beliefs nor welfare needs) will never produce a net gain for advanced societies. Please go over this thread to see where countries score on IQ–then consider where all the immigrants are coming from & where they are going. There’s a trend to say the least.

I joked with a friend the other day saying that when the Ottomans invaded the Serbs and Hungarians–at least they were still able to erect great structures, create artwork, build an economy, farm food & install a sort of system; in what case have the nomadic tribes in Kenya done the same?

On average, you will receive more innovation, health, longevity, safety, cleanliness, medicine, infrastructure and problem-solving capacity in Europe than you will in Africa (it’s no wonder they’re trying to get to Europe!)–But the uncomfortable part is that European society & peoples are fundamentally different than African society and peoples. They are night and day & nothing will change this except changing the face of the country. We can consider the Caribbean and Nordic society as well–same example. Don’t believe me? Spend a month in either of them. As you read this, Haiti is completely run by gangs who practice cannibalism after cooking people alive.

In so far that people reject this reality, problems will continue to surmount. There is nothing virtuous about accepting this historic change before our eyes–there is only cowardice. There is only the betrayal to the sacrifices that were made by those before you and the ones yet to made by the generations to come. I read one post who said that “we are sacrificing our women and our entire countries’ foundation for the sake of not wanting to be mean”.

Some countries have taken some action however. Japan, to compensate for the low birth rates and declining population loosened their immigration policies only to find the immigrants raping their women, defecating on the sidewalks and causing a mess. They swiftly responded. Perhaps it’s too late for the Europeans but the Danes have introduced policies that make it extremely difficult for migrants to continue to live in country if they don’t pull their own weight (which they won’t). The Slovenes, Slovaks and Baltics have introduced language requirements to “nicely” be able to reject residents to stay indefinitely. South Korea have upped immigration requirements to reduce the number of foreigners draining their public medical care services. Virtually all sophisticated places or tax havens already have a high bar of entry and have remained skeptical on who they allow inside (with the apparent exception of Switzerland).

However, I won’t insult you by assuming that you don’t already know that these are the exceptions rather than the rule & it may be too late for most countries. Iceland’s recent parliamentary fiasco (over a discussion about whether migrants being able to stay or not) was met with three common comments approximating, 1) Deport them all! 2) They don’t deserve to stay in any bit of Europe and 3) Bro… Iceland? How the fuck did they get there? A day later, 2 Syrian men stabbed a worker at a cash register and a 17 year old was raped to death. Bro…Iceland? indeed…

I read Douglas Murray’s “A Strange Death of Europe” back about 8 years ago, and judging by the data and figures he used, it seemed apparent that the continent was dead–or at least no longer the same. These numbers by historical standards are considered invasions/conquering. I don’t know of any other situation in history where these numbers of economic migrants were “welcomed” diplomatically… our ancestors would have left or taken up arms surely (?) to defend the nation & their people. Instead, the instinct (or at least it was) is to house, pay for, feed, accept unfair criminal proceedings, fund credit cards, etc–all at the expense of those paying (the natives).

Even amongst the more conservative types who are unhappy that these fundamental changes (of literally becoming an African shithole), there remains an assumption of some sort of normalcy in the future; a recovery in some sense. After all, in years prior they were able to rebuild from unimaginable destruction. Their prior citizens carried the burden of both world wars, famines and economic troubles & much more–but those citizens are now all dead (in a metaphorical sense).

Any sort of “building” of the economy from the recessions/depression will not be done by the same folks as before. The 3rd worlders who come to destroy their target nation do not have the same people with the same values, motivations, focus, beliefs, intelligence, problem-solving capacity or heritage. They do not value the countries like they value their religion for instance–they view it as a welfare entity or daddy’s ATM for rich kids. Many videos circulate showing Caribbeans and Africans laughing at the proposition of going to war for Britain. The same resiliency as years before will not exist.

The point...

As the populations of the Western world are becoming replaced by the hundreds of thousands of foreigners seeking hand outs (monthly!), this means that the resident, the local, the countryman is becoming diluted away from who previously occupied that country. The names of the country remain the same as do the flags outside of parliament, even the laws are relatively the same–but it’s not the country in practical terms. The reality is that people are waking up everyday asking “What happened to my country?”. The Spanish and Portuguese figured this out that if you integrate & breed with the population there won’t be the same kingdoms or tribe–there will be something new.

I’ve pondered 3-4 reasons or explanations behind this organized, orchestrated mass immigration here if you are interested–all of which are forms of political treason (at best). I’m going to share that soon (bear with us!)

Despite these new countries forming, the old country mindset remains that if and when the world faces another depression or at minimum an extended recession, that the places will innovate, create, solve, unite and reinvest to rebuild just like their ancestors did before them. But again their ancestors no longer live in that country. The type of profile that populates the nation during any rebuilding phase is different–one who is less intelligent, less civilized, less motivated by the same values & beliefs, less conscientious, less aware of the locals’ traditions and less attached to any sort of homeland. All of whom will not only be unwilling but will be incapable of repairing anything that is worthwhile–as seen with their old homeland. It’s a trade with no winners.

Therefore I believe any assumption of a complete recovery (or better times ahead) is misplaced. What we’re looking at is not only the immediate destruction of the fabric of society in the United States, Europe or Canada but the irreparable destruction which is far, far worse.


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