Non-resident US LLC owners So you have decided that a US LLC is the best incorporation for you & your business/structure. You ultimately have to choose what’s best for you giving as many factors as you can involve–but here are some factors that can help you decide. See the chart below to get a more […]
Author: ontheball1
Jokes (Photos 3)
The Meme Factory: The Memes that Make Themselves -PART III More Star Wars
A List of Movies That Came True
Dystopian Films That Became Reality Idiocracy This is a funny movie. But some aspects of it are coming true before our eyes. None of the characters pay attention to whats happening around them (100% accurate to today). Everyone believes the fools around them, they have lost the ability to think & are only focused on […]
It’s Time To Unleash the Mosquitos
Kill Gates is at it again…Biting Away at a New Scam This material is found in the Subscriber Section and is free, temporarily! This psychopathic fraud obsessed with reducing the world’s population is at it again with his human experiments. This time, by funding a new genetically-modifying technology in mosquitos. After waiting years and years […]
The Little Unknown Island of SABA
OnTheBall Travels (SABA) We went for a walk from one side to the other and every resident on the island saw us Saba, a Caribbean island in the Lesser Antilles chain, is a special municipality of the Netherlands. Measuring just 13 square kilometers, it consists essentially of the top of the dormant Mount Scenery volcano. […]
Was It Worth It? The Ancestors Are Rolling In Their Graves
The New Citizen is Different than the Previous Citizen The migrants coming to Europe, United States & Canada are coming from 3rd world countries. There’s a meme that floats on the internet that says “import the 3rd world; become the 3rd world”–which is entirely true. This is because the people leaving these backward countries do […]
The Balkanization of… Mexico?
Could Mexico Ever Split Up as a Country? I wanted to write this upon seeing the number of angry and vocal protests in the state of Oaxaca against foreigners. Many have called them for them to go home, to not use Airbnb, called them racists (?) and some outright threatened harm against foreigners. Some photo […]
What is Happening in Credit Markets?
Gold is money, everything else is credit JP Morgan, 1912 Credit Markets are broken… there needs to be some event to “reset” confidence or the system itself. Get the Free Newsletter to hear our thoughts on what’s next! US Debt Rises $1 Trillion in 100 Days on average, according to Bank of America. They estimate […]
Is Gumroad Stuck With Trouble Makers?
Scammers are Taking Advantage, in a Weird Way… I was wrongfully banned from Gumroad, a website platform that seeks to host businesses all over the world to interact & sell their products to the general public. At first, I thought the tenets of free speech and general overtones triggered some wokesters and they wanted to […]
A Little Interesting Fact to Share With Friends
Neuroscience in Action, Literally Have you ever hit your thumb while hammering and yelled Son of a $@%*! I have (But I have yelled worse than that…) And I instantly grabbed my thumb to squeeze onto it. But why is that my instinct? Why would I ‘grab’ the thing thats damaged? It’s because the nervous […]