An Alien Invasion is Coming! Here’s Why:

Are Aliens Real? That Depends on The Economy

By this point, I’m sure you find it difficult to believe government numbers at all (or at least I hope so!). The numbers from the Venezuelan government are basically the same as those from the UK or French governments at this point–perhaps the level of lying overtly is different. Government’s will distort models so that the answers produced are ones they can politically support, even if reality is a completely different picture. Of course, if you go another step further you can see that the existence of government at all is simply to do such a thing–> To distort free exchange between two consenting individuals or legal entities. These distortions often come in the form of taxation, policies, regulations, decrees and laws but increasingly, they are in the form of propaganda and news (or lack thereof).

Another Distortion?

Just as the Covid scam had flung economic distortions around the world, perhaps another is about to happen that is crazier than 2020. Welcome to the Alien Invasion.

This will be the first time that people will be called conspiracy theorists for not believing in Aliens

Thats right, the government (literally) has a plan in place to “fake” an alien invasion. Doing so, they suggest, would stimulate the economy and create lots of new “anti-alien” jobs and circulate lots of money for this cause. Amazingly, the originator of this idea comes from Paul Krugman, a Nobel prize winning economist. His idea is that all other problems, deficits, inflation, war, social turmoil, protests would simply vanish or be placed on the back-burner if there was a concerted effort to economically prepare for an alien invasion.

Some other economists have suggested that while aliens are provocative and crazy, the idea is similar to World War 2 where the USA raised taxes and caused everybody to work again, pulling the USA out of the depression. And is there demand for such a thing now? Well, the USA currently has the largest deficits in its history, the highest debt load in its history, declining tax revenues, economic layoffs everywhere, interest rates on debt remaining higher than usual and credit expansion at an all time high; in other words, desperation is in the air.

Remember, the only way governments can pay their debt is through inflation and inflation is product of the velocity of money. This would kill the value of the currency like the government needs and people would do it willingly since they’re “fighting the aliens”

The Genius of it

While I’m sure the central planners would love the plebs to be locked away in their cage–away from the alien attackers–I believe the source of this is another economic scam, rather than political. The goal of this is to have people generate fake economic activity to meet a fake purpose (remember whoever invested in hand sanitizer made a lot of money in 2020). Does it kill viral matter? Not significantly, at least it does nothing to deal with an aerosol respiratory illness–did it matter? No, those companies still made huge amounts of profits.

The genius of such an idea [alien invasions] is the ability for the threat to remain mental. It is a threat that could be non-tangible, similar to a pathogen, whereby the belief in it and the fear and paranoia it generates is the contagious element. It is a threat that people cannot expect to be presented in front of them because of its nature. Given this untestable aspect, it begins to infect the psyches of individuals of miserable, vulnerable people and with clever algorithmic modeling (social media, “news”, etc.), you can weaponize the minds of the few to gather compliance of the many.

My partner was scared seeing this because that she could see there will be quite literally millions of people who will immediately adopt it as being authentic and any “new finding” of alien life will express a mass psychosis similar to the response to fighting the ghost called Covid.

I had first heard of this years ago when I first came across Jeff Berwick who announced their plans to fake an alien invasion. I thought he was a quack until I found out after that this was a real suggestion that they were deeply considering to “stimulate” the economy, but they had decided against it for all the obvious reasons. Besides, the Iraq war & WPMs was far more effective at rallying the masses…

Why this does not generate anything

Creating Alien guns, alien shelters, new technologies to treat alien devices and new medicines seemingly would generate more velocity of money–but at the expense of something else in the economy. This is known as the broken window fallacy.

Let’s say you invite your friend over and he throws a rock through your window. What happens? Well after you finish punching him in the nose… the window needs to be repaired. So you call the repair man who needs to purchase gasoline to drive to your place who receives a service fee to install a new window. He bought the window store who bought the materials to manufacture the window. A lot of people are getting paid who otherwise wouldn’t have.

But all that happens is that the money spent on this new window, is NOT spent on that new jacket you wanted, or the football game, or a new bed. This is challenging to understand because it is unspent money, but it has the potential to enter into the economy. Now, that money that would otherwise be spent to the person selling jackets, is spent on the person making windows. It is, like anything else, the government does, displacement of capital.

Have a Window in place
Have a Jacket/Bed/Sports game
Now just have a ‘new’ window
No money left over
All this philosophy does it to take from one area and place to another area. Policy is created (government distortions) and wealth is transferred from the honest person to a cause that benefits from this distortion. The only person who wins are the ones who sell windows (or by analogy, the insiders who sought to profit from this policy change. I wont name anybody).

Realize that this is just another form of theft–transferring wealth from one place (it was headed) to another with no net production. Call out the scam when you see it.

And of course I know at this point you’re thinking “look this is interesting but its insane”–and even though I’m the one writing about it, I still have to agree. However it is equally insane that so many people willingly quarantined themselves, became undercover KGB operatives on their neighbours, willingly received an mRNA injection (and gave to their children) & willingly accepted their businesses, their schools, their entertainment, their hospitals (treatment) and their travel to be disrupted over nothing more than the flu. WHY WOULDN’T those in power think that they couldn’t pull this off!?


At this point, I am not surprised if something like this is tried by the states of the world and, even more scary, I am not surprised if people will buy it!

It really is an interesting threat because like the supposed pathogen years ago, it was invisible, it required belief & it induced fear. Of all which would also be true for an alien being.

At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter if we’re dealing with aliens, pathogens or whatever it may be–the end result is always more government spending. People tend to blame the Fed for all the inflation, which is true, but the effects can only be truly felt by the spending or velocity of that newly monetized debt. The governments and central banks of the world in unison are destroying the value of items around us every single day by constant spending. Krugman, Mr. Nobel Prize, holds the position that government spending can fix literally everything–just like everybody else in Congress. It’s important to remember this if you begin to see more “strange aliens” or UFO news pop up.

When Aliens come, or when they announce they’re here on CNBC, those who are anti-government and anti-news may be brought back into compliance. Others, no doubt will be called conspiracy theorists for believing that there are NO Aliens. Either way, it may very well unite the severed bits of America to resemble a functioning economy, for a little longer…
