Is Slavery Really Over? No, It’s Just Getting Started

And I made a Mistake…

Let me rephrase that, I recommended something without completing the full picture as to what I was recommending. Why am I talking about this now?

Today, Australia just passed its Digital Identity Bill into law. This was branded as a conspiracists idea for attention just a couple of years ago–however the forced genetic therapy injections laid the groundwork for these systems to take hold. Of course, you were crazy and banned for suggesting this.

I don’t call it AusJail’ya for no reason…

However, besides the pure hell, misery, paranoia, tyranny & insanity that China creates everyday with their own social credit Digital ID system, there’s another country that has this system right now. It is a country that already has an all-encompassing digital ID system where the population is completely whipped into submission.

If you’re wondering how Australia’s new system will play out & which country I am talking about–> here you go:


First, in Iceland, the digital ID system is linked to each person’s kennitala, or social security number. You sign into everything with your electronic ID (rafræn skilríki) via your phone (tracking device). Any time you access your bank account, phone services, accounting, tax, insurance, credit score, manage your assets (car/house), power bill, medical record, when (& who) you vote (for), or even want to pull up a store receipt of something, it’s all linked to the digital ID. Everything in one place, for everyone, at all times. Everything. Everybody in Iceland has agreed to a dystopian, transparent technological collective to turn your identity, your meaning, your feelings, your desires, yourself, into code.

You cannot NOT have a digital ID to live in Iceland. It’s impossible. You can’t get power turned on, get a phone number, buy or register a car, rent or buy a house, or even buy certain items without having a kennitala or digital ID. You need one. Being in Iceland without this code is agreeing to be homeless or knowingly break Icelandic laws.

When I wrote about Iceland, I was aware of such a system, but I hadn’t gone into the rabbit hole to find out how deep it goes. They have turned everything into a centralized ledger, just like Moscow had done in 1917.

This has its benefits (it makes life more streamlined when you’re trying to do something in daily life), but it also means there is no privacy at all in Iceland. Anyone can look up where you live, the license plate of your car, how much tax you paid for all years and on how many assets, Even your phone number is public. Think of what you own–it would have to go through this system. It’s public and available—and all you need is ones’ kennitala to find it all out. The government has access to more.

The Icelandic government and tax office has access to your bank accounts and knows every transaction you make, what you spend, and what you earn. Nobody needs a warrant, or anything else to access it—it’s theirs for the viewing. They just need probable cause to look at it–and they can make that up. Why I liken this to the Soviet Union is because this system is a complete rejection of the concept of private property.

Read our piece on technology here: The least technologically advanced will be the most free

What’s my Mistake?

I have recommended to my readers that Iceland would be a good bug-out place for the upcoming failures, tyranny & wars for this decade and beyond. Some of the points highlighted was the safety, energy supplies, island distance, English-speaking homogenous communities, little debt & others. You can read about it here:

However, I should state that my idea of Iceland as being a WW3 bunker was temporary (view the Tax benefit I wrote about) and not a full-time move.

Regardless, while I still see the benefits being true, it effectively can all be erased when you consider the full-fledged system of public slavery that they have excitedly adopted for “convenience”. In other words, the benefits cannot be felt or maximized if you are locked out of society. The whole aspect of me writing that was to find a place to hold normal-life & freedom; a tenet of what we strive to represent with our company. Living there requires sacrificing your freedom & that’s not worth it in our estimation.

The maddening aspect of all this is that times are going to be difficult no matter what–introducing a system like this only ruins all what is good and destroys the soul of each and every resident. Culling animals, pouring out good milk, limiting production of petroleum, taxing consumption & capital everywhere, censoring free ideas and implementing a Big Brother digital ID system simply causes more problems for everybody. Centralization to its extreme is an evil concept.

Stay engaged with On The Ball, LLC as we’re working on an article asking you whether you’d prefer to be a private slave, or a public slave. A strange thought-experiment!

Open Door Consultancy creates plans for you and your family to get the best out of your international plans, be sure to contact them for your full plan today. Time is running short!!