Finland, The New Ukraine

Russia’s top diplomat has now officially warned that Finland will be hit first in any confrontation between NATO and Russia.

For the sake of this article I will use USA interchangeably with NATO given that it’s a purely USA foreign policy (and funded as such).

Finland, according to US General Mcgreer fits a nice piece of the puzzle for the US. While the USA are dominant as a Naval and Air power, they lack on a the ground forces front–Finland is well established in this respect. Likewise, the Finnish officials are eager to obey their American masters.

Finland Eager For A Fight

The [NATO] agreement will reinforce Finland’s security and promote the fulfilment of NATO membership obligations says Minister of Defence Antti Häkkänen. He and United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken signed the agreement in Washington DC on 18 December 2023.

The Minister of Defence is further trying to make it impossible to resign from the military reserve, a legal right of every reservist since 1969.

Formerly neutral Finland had also become the 31st member of NATO about 1 year ago, too. In effect, this places US weaponry, surveillance and tech a long of Russia’s border, which could be a little too close for comfort for the Russians. What do the Finnish stand to benefit from this? Action has not delayed on this new front at all

The Defence Cooperation Agreement signed Monday between Washington and Helsinki will give the American forces access to 15 installations — five in the High North near Russia — and permission to store equipment and weapons on Finnish soil.

Proposed New US Bases

More signing–> On 3rd April, Presidents of Finland and Ukraine, Alexander Stubb and Volodymyr Zelenskyy, signed a defence pact between the two nations. Finland has not signed such bilateral pacts with a war-going country since June 1944, which was actually just a personal letter from President Ryti to the leader of the Nazi-Germany, Adolf Hitler, where he vouched that he would not pursue for peace with the Soviet Union.

In this letter, it states the following: If any person in Finland or a Finnish citizen outside Finland, during a military or international political crisis affecting Finland or an imminent threat thereof, with intent to bring Finland to war or to an act of war,
1) publicly incites a foreign state to commit an act of aggression against Finland or Finland to commit an act of aggression against a foreign state or,
2) publicly disseminate statements or other expressions intended to influence public opinion in favour of the use of acts of aggression, in a way that the act clearly increases the risk of Finland being involved in a war or a war act, she must be sentenced to imprisonment for inciting war.

For no reason at all, they have written an agreement that links peaceful, tranquil Finland to Ukraine so they can now be forced into a war of no relation to them. You can also see how little of a provocation that is required to legally call for a response. Of course, we both know that “Ukraine” with its entire military and significant part of it’s civilian population either dead or escaped throughout Europe, is in fact the United States.

Propaganda Machine

It would eat up your afternoon if I could show you all the propaganda elements pushed in Helsinki since the Ukraine war…but here’s some:

One such element of this was placed on display bringing a destroyed Russian tank (therefore the artifact of dead Russians) to put in a square in Helsinki for everybody to see.

Some had even gone so far saying that Finland’s future of peace would be secure if only it had the powers to nuke Russia off the map. Has escalation come out of left field or rather, is it in perfect harmony with the downfall and destruction of Ukraine? In other words, are we looking at a new front for NATO to exert pressure on Russia to try to get them to bend on Crimea and the Black sea?

Russia will continue to be a global security threat, Finnish Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen

Propaganda everywhere.

Finland has faced down Kremlin-backed propaganda campaigns ever since it declared independence from Russia 101 years ago. But in 2014, after Moscow annexed Crime…<–Straight from Communist News Network, CNN

No doubt, Finns and Russians have their disgust for each other given their Winter war. Where many of the Finns held strong but nevertheless lost land to the Soviets. The Finns have a well-founded distrust of the Russians while the Russians aren’t particularly fond of the provocations thrown their way by their neighbour. They don’t like each other for all kinds of reasons, but dying over these reasons is insane.

The story promises to detail, where Finns would be transferred and where are the safest locations, if and when war erupts. Everyday Finns are hit with this information before their eyes, some suspect thats why their local investment is so small.

Despite this animosity, years ago, the Finns had a nice relationship of neutrality where they were connected to the rest of the Europe via the Baltic sea while at the same time trading with the Soviets–one of the few who held a relationship with the closed off Union back in the day. Although, all this has been erased from public memory and the notions that Russia is evil, Russia wants to conquer the world, Russia is weak, Russia is all to blame are paramount in Finland. Anecdotally, I can say the same mentality is present in Germany.

What happens when you snuggle up to the Americans

Update: Finland has signed a Defense Security or Cooperation Agreement with the USA. This has legally ended Finland’s neutrality since the second World War

Hopefully they can use this site here as a channel to voice their opposition to a senseless war.


As I’ve written here–> Proxies will be used because recruitment is so low and Finland is yet another one of these proxies. The local governments have completely sold out their people, their sovereignty, their flag, their history and their legal stability to not only Brussels, but to Washington and NATO alliances.

Finland, cannot win anything against Russia, especially given that Russia is a non-threat with no interest in it at all. The only thing that will happen is that many dead Russians and many dead Finns will appear near the Russia border for no reason. Imagine seeing a bar fight between two people that are completely intoxicated break out in slow motion; well this is a ‘missile’ fight breaking out and right now we are at the cusp of action.

I believe it’s important to call this madness out, lest more people get injured or killed for the sake of lying politicians or religious types who feed off of this conflict. It really is staggering to see the locals fall for this hook, line and sinker.

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Needless to say, no two sides are close to talk about deescalation & peace and I hope that my site [and this post] encourages you to speak out to let cooler heads prevail.