The Best of OnTheBall Travels

Top Destinations For Different Purposes

I wanted to take the time to write about the top destinations based on friendliness, the liveability of the place, it’s tax situation, it’s cleanliness and overall feel for a wide range of people (student, retire’y, investor, worker, etc). Given my travels to many territories & nations, these are my top picks if you are trying to do the following:

  • Honeymoon
  • Ecotourism
  • Nightlife
  • Taxation
  • Turmoil/Excitement
  • Vacation

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Even though it is pricey, and there are an increase in taxes that directly hurt tourism such as VAT, new import tariffs and exit taxes, I’d have to say one of the best places for a Honeymoon is Anguilla. Anguilla has not only very nice beaches but it offers an element of privacy that I haven’t seen anywhere else. It is you and your love one and about 12 others–on the WHOLE beach. All the services community tend to be ‘hands off’ from you so you are guaranteed to be unbothered from all sorts of salesman and tourism scams. It’s a beach island that feels somewhat abandoned and quiet–the perfect getaway from the rest of the world with your newlywed.

Please take the time to read EVERYTHING about Anguilla

^^ ^^ ^^


If you’re a big fan of nature, wildlife, mountains, volcanos, hikes and everything that goes with it. I have to recommend Costa Rica. This comes as no surprise as millions of people every year populate the Central American rainforest but for good reason. There is ample beauty, relaxation and excitement to find in this little neutral country that foreigners keep coming back towards every winter.

I can also speak very highly of Alaska, although that is a whole other different type of ecotourism. If you want to learn about either of these places. See below!


I am not a big drinker or party-goer so I’m sure you can think of a million ways where I am wrong but in my experience–it has to be Mexico. Mexicans know how to party and there is a big drinking culture throughout the country. Judging from my friends I would say that perhaps the Greeks have perfected partying however, though I cannot comment further. Read more about Mexico here, both the good and bad (and a little prediction)!

Taxation is a topic that I will direct you over towards Open Door Consultancy because it is so nuanced and specific–> however I will mention four places that have unique tax benefits depending on your situation, income and residence for most of the year. Again, I recommend you use the contact form at the top if you have any questions regarding this.
1) Cayman Islands
2) Gibraltar

3) Guernsey

4) Thailand

If you are a bit of an adrenaline junkie and love to see what it’s like for yourself with a boots on the ground approach than I would recommend (Perfect Timing) that you go to Georgia in the Caucasus. The Georgians are currently quite upset about the number of Russians entering their country, their inflation and wages, the changes of their laws as well as their delay in becoming apart of the European Union. Throughout its history, Georgia has always been apart of one empire or another, and currently they would prefer the Eurozone one to the Russian one. Lots of protests, lots of chants and political graffiti. Read about it here:

If you’re just enjoying vacation to get away for some great food, great scenery & history, great architecture and pleasant weather, I recommend giving Croatia a chance. In fact, I can say that I’ve lived in Croatia.

Over the last 4 years we’re seeing Croatia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Turkey take a lot of heat from Western Europe for a whole slew of reasons. I think if you’re interested in areas of Italy, that Croatia can be a good substitute with less crowds, less protests/riots, less crime with the same Roman-styled roads and buildings. If you’re a meat eater instead of pasta eater you’ll enjoy it even more!

Thank you for reading, please follow me on Instagram and X & consider sharing if you can think of somebody who would like to know about this!! #StayOnTheBall