Tricky Mystery Movies to Solve
I always love a good mystery movie. One where you have to think to solve and every little expression, detail, camera shot make a difference in solving the ‘who dun it’ question. Here are 5 movies you may not have seen that I think warrant your time. Can you solve them?
- The Invisible Guest (Contratiempo). A Spanish movie (sorry people who hate subtitles) that is really brilliant. Who’s the guilty one? One of my favourite movies even with the subtitles.
- The Game. An older movie with Michael Douglas, although it wasn’t until recently I watched it. This movie is the definition of a mind f*ck.
- Enemy. Jake Gyllenhaal stars in this weird movie where a Professor with a dull, dark life finds interest in life after accidentally stumbling across his doppelgänger. Lots of symbolism in this film but you’re still left uncertain what’s real or imaginary.
- God’s crooked lines (Los renglones torcidos de Dios ). Another Spanish movie that keeps you guessing about who’s side you’re on…I love the era this movie was themed.
- Identity. Done in 2003 still is a great psychological thriller movie that I return to often. The ending still gives me goosebumps. It’s a must-see if you haven’t already
All of these are worth the rental costs!
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