5 Clever Mystery Movies

Tricky Mystery Movies to Solve

I always love a good mystery movie. One where you have to think to solve and every little expression, detail, camera shot make a difference in solving the ‘who dun it’ question. Here are 5 movies you may not have seen that I think warrant your time. Can you solve them?

  1. The Invisible Guest (Contratiempo). A Spanish movie (sorry people who hate subtitles) that is really brilliant. Who’s the guilty one? One of my favourite movies even with the subtitles.
  2. The Game. An older movie with Michael Douglas, although it wasn’t until recently I watched it. This movie is the definition of a mind f*ck.
  3. Enemy. Jake Gyllenhaal stars in this weird movie where a Professor with a dull, dark life finds interest in life after accidentally stumbling across his doppelgänger. Lots of symbolism in this film but you’re still left uncertain what’s real or imaginary.
  4. God’s crooked lines (Los renglones torcidos de Dios ). Another Spanish movie that keeps you guessing about who’s side you’re on…I love the era this movie was themed.
  5. Identity. Done in 2003 still is a great psychological thriller movie that I return to often. The ending still gives me goosebumps. It’s a must-see if you haven’t already

All of these are worth the rental costs!

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