3 Things You Need to See Now

Three Life-Changing Clips

I wanted to share with three clips/sites that readjusted my understanding and outlook on the world we live within. Knowing this information has had a long-lasting change on me to take action and I hope that they can also be impactful for you as well

  1. WTF Happened in 1971?


Please click the link above. This will take you to a series of charts, graphs and tables showing about 50 to 100 metrics that have done nothing but worsen since, you guessed it, 1971. They all stem from this date in time and not all of the charts appear to be correlated. So what did happen? US President Richard Nixon suspended the convertibility of the US dollar into gold. In other words, the USA came off of the gold standard where the money was backed by gold held at the US Treasury. Since 1971 and of course still today it remains a floating nothing, solely backed by the barrels of the US military and the confidence of the people in the US government to not default on the (never-larger) debt pile.

This was life-changing because I realized that bonds, stocks, finance, interests, down deposits were not just financial jargon used by a select number of suits–but that these decisions have a cascading effect that impacts average citizens in the most detriment of ways. Detaching from gold allowed currencies to float freely without any restriction. It allowed for different types of “money” to occur for whatever purpose that the banks needed solved. Those closest to one form or another of this money purchased assets as the plebs work their ass off for this dying currency. This level of unpredictability effectively transpires in unpredictable behaviour and anxiety amongst the populace. I’ve half-jokingly said if you want to solve the high rate of divorce–bring back the gold standard.

Want to buy gold but don’t know how to start? Check out this Article!!!

2) Yuri Bezmenov’s Warning to America (Ideological Subversion)

I recall hearing this for the first time while mowing the lawn and having to stop mowing because it struck me as being so profound and ‘real’. The way this guy spoke about the stages of problems in Canada & USA back in 1984 was as if he were speaking today. The steps of ideological subversion have been in place since the late 60s/early 70s and others highlight even earlier. It was amazingly eerie that this warning was so accurate, so overt, so accurate that till this day–few even realize. The brilliance of psychological operations in warfare!

Make no mistake we are now in the stage of ‘normalization’. I encourage you to watch this interview first and if you’re really interested, listen to this lecture (same concept but in depth with story-telling and examples).

Please take time to really understand what is going on around you by listening to this. Want to be an expert? His lecture is even better!

3) The New Pearl Harbour. A movie taking a neutral approach to the events of 9/11 by compiling as many facts as possible and asking as many questions as possible. The questions are logical and derived from the data or physics of the situation. It is not motivated with any sort of agenda. It is over a 5 hour movie but when you finish, so it’s best to watch in 3 segments.

This movie will provide the insight into the true beast of the American Empire. It provided me with some clarity with the ‘what the world was dealing with’ with respect to the foreign policy of the United States. The police state-level of domestic control & regulation of people and information began to make sense. The conclusions from the movie appear to be more than obvious, but the scary part is how convinced the general American population is of the lies–so much so they’ll risk their entire family dying in a foreign backward desert, for years. There’s so much more that they don’t go into but you’ll be taken away anyway.

Few people have pieced together that there was Weapons of Mass Destruction, and they were taken from the Iraqis.


All together, the largest shifts I’ve had are that:

A) Our money is not sound–and this leads to severe consequences that extend far beyond that of finance or investable markets. These consequences are systemic and people are totally unaware. The rich get richer for a reason.

B) The new age of warfare are not necessarily drones, grunts, great tanks and F16s. It’s information. Information in the form of media, universities, news, social media, high-ranking political figures, celebrities, movie stars, etc. Everyone is so afraid of an outside force coming in, they fail to see the rot and degradation of the trojan horse that destroys a country from the inside-out. Ideological subversion is a 4 step process that has been underway for more than 50 years. You are not living in the time of peace, you are in living in the time of war, undeclared, total warfare.

C) This is just one of many of the self-sabotage events that large empires do in order to expand or retain power. Everyone on the Earth is simply available to become a means to an end if those in power so desire. You are a pawn that the US Pentagon can use. There is absolutely nothing that the cartel in Washington will not do to further their goals–like a shark smelling fresh blood–it will stop at nothing for its piece of flesh. Like the previous point, it’s not just to know that you are at war with the state (that the sickness comes from within) it’s necessary to size up the opponent and while the American Empire is in obvious decline, it will not go down without a vicious fight.

In fact, I predict that in the next 2 years from the time you read this another 9/11-like event will occur on US soil. More surveillance, regulation, laws, oversight, taxes will increase as a result. Works like a charm.

If you receive nothing else from our articles here at OnTheBall, I hope these three items can have an impact on your life like they did mine.
