Month: March 2024

A New Hope For Your Portfolio

New Hope Group is an Australian coal producer with associated coal port, oil and gas, and agricultural operations Company Details; Operations Founded in 1952With over 900 employees New Hope currently has two open cut coal mines, one in the Darling Downs and one in the Hunter Valley: New Acland, north of Oakey in Queensland, and Bengalla, west […]

The World The Globalists Want PART 3

The Best Path Forward is to Ridicule Their Hypocrisy & Stupidity For What It Is Please Share We have to improve drug safety by giving people drugs to smoke We support entrepreneurs by making sure they follow the regulations and procedures placed upon them We have to improve quality of life by ensuring you stay […]

The Globalist’s Plan For You PART 2

Did you get a laugh at how ridiculous the West (EU, UK, 5 eyes) has become? See it here: More below, don’t forget to follow us on Twitter & explore our site for the controversial posts We want to strengthen our nation, but not by using our own people We hate Russia so much that […]

Jerome Powell & The Chocolate Factory

The Mayans, Aztecs & Olmecs Traded Using Cocoa, I Guess This Is Why! Retail chocolate prices are rising (and will increase much further, while shrinkflation will take hold) after wholesale cocoa prices surged to an unthinkable all-time high of $10,000 a ton recently. For sake of reference, it was $2,500 USD a ton a year […]


OnTheBall Travels (Georgia) What should we title this? Um…Surviving Georgia! Not the state of Georgia, although looking at Atlanta’s crime rates, Surviving Georgia is also an interesting title… Georgia is a country in the Caucasus that borders Armenia, Azerbaijan and Turkey and most notably, Russia. After the fall of communism in the early 90s, Georgia […]

South Korea Heading Towards Extinction

A line has stuck with me recently that I felt the need to explore: By 2100, at the current pace, all but 5% of South Koreans will be extinct Yes. Like a bird in the Amazon. Gone. We’ve recently posted about a wave of depression that is encompassing South Korean young adults here–> Take me […]

Sanctions Against Russia? The Real Results

Voices Of The World:You’re Going to Have To Try Harder I wanted to write this to highlight a bit of what has happened in Russia since the economic sanctions from the West. These is boots-on-the-ground results from a local. If you appreciate posts like this please send in your email to receive our free newsletter […]