Jones Soda, Just About Gone Flat… I hadn’t had my eye on this company–I completely forgot about it. It was always the drink of choice for people at a skateboard park when I was growing up–not sure why. After 16 years of drinking my last bottle with them, it seems that they may be in […]
Month: December 2023
Movies for Kids
And Now for the Feature Presentation: Social Programming I was in [undisclosed area in Latin America] a beautiful park the other evening with people from all ages; rollerskating, biking, scooters, selling candy, fruit, snacks, running, renting trampolines, it was really a fiesta! The park covered hundreds and hundreds of acres and it still looked packed. […]
TikTok Warfare
Your Teen Signed Up For War & You Never Even Realized Our imaginations of warfare may look like the trenches of World War 1, storming the French beaches of World War 2 or kicking-in steel doors to sand huts for close quarters combat in the Middle East. Hats off to everyone who has the fortitude […]
3 Things You Need to See Now
Three Life-Changing Clips I wanted to share with three clips/sites that readjusted my understanding and outlook on the world we live within. Knowing this information has had a long-lasting change on me to take action and I hope that they can also be impactful for you as well Please click the link above. This […]
Demands on Relationships Are Crazy Now!
The Miracle of True Love: Lets be more understanding of each other I’m sure you’re well aware of the marriage crisis going on throughout the world where at best some marriage success stories have come down to the odds of a coin toss. It’s perhaps the perfect example of “it won’t happen to me” syndrome. […]
Motivational: Take Aim at One Target at a Time
A Double-Edged Sword of Liberty? I was at a Mexican Independence Day party recently with Mexicans from 5 various states (man, do they enjoy partying!) in Mexico. It was really cool to see their traditions and sincere celebrations. I had a chat with one friend at the party where I said “Man, people are so […]
Want a Good Indicator for the Economy?
Cartels use Walls, Grandpa uses his Couch & Everyone Else uses the Reverse Repo Where do we put all this cash? If only we had that problem, eh! Well, large institutions do have that problem. Money Market Funds (MMFs), hedge funds and large international banks have been utilizing the Reverse Repo a lot since the […]