Am I Missing Something or Are You?
Sometimes I go about our Global News Page and I simply see the world going to hell in a hand basket. It’s difficult to not unplug to see the forest for the trees from a 30,000 foot view. We’ve created a page where you can predict the future (anonymously if you wish)–please click here!. I wanted to create a post about some things that appear to be at the point of no return or at least suggest a list of impending dooms as a warning. I’ve carefully thought about these points and all of them suggest that the trajectory will not change anytime soon. Let’s dive in!
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1) Rule Of Law is largely disappearing in every civilized society. That is, every single one of the Anglo-Saxon countries as well as the European nations are becoming dysfunctional to the point where their laws are no longer enforced (or such insane futile laws are strictly enforced). Tyranny & criminal entities are taking over the spotlight.
2) US Equity markets have never been this centralized/detached from balance sheets. US Bond mystery buyers (Cayman Islands?) have never been this plenty to keep everything afloat.
3) It is an impossibility for Europeans to damage or “win” against Russia in any sense without damaging themselves to a worse degree. Russia’s resources exports have become so connected to European sovereignty that they cannot detach without any sort of kick-back. We’re writing an article arguing that Russia is in a wildly positive position, certainly the best they’ve been in a hundred years. Europeans haven’t a leg to stand upon & seem to have totally miscalculated their “enemy”.
4) Racial differences are displaying themselves due to mass migration & multiculturalism. This one speaks for itself from mass immigration. Some cultures are superior to others in how they operate, how they treat their females & children and what they merit as inherently valuable (education vs. worship; creativity vs. obedience; inquiry vs. blind faith; diplomacy vs. violence)
5) Every financial decision (hundreds of billions worth) is made while ignoring the terrible fertility rates signalling there aren’t going to be enough people to support such decision. I don’t want to go into this too too deep because we’re writing a seven part series about this problem and eager to spend lots of money in effort to benefit from the inevitable trend reversal but–> we’re looking at a significant global population collapse. Every single developed country has been below their fertility rate score for many years in a row with UN estimates greatly over-exaggerating population statistics. Even Middle Eastern and African countries who are above replacement are seeing a halving of their fertility rate in just the last 30 years. South Korea is the canary in the coal mine in this respect. The fact of the matter is, there won’t be enough people to produce good and services for everybody else (the aging population) at our current pace and our economy is destined to not just shrink, but utterly collapse.
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6) Nobody is aware that if the pension fund they’re relying on for retirement were a publicly traded ETF, that nobody would buy it. We super briefly wrote about the Nova Scotia teachers pension here–it’s toast.
7) The world is in a very precarious position with respect to food. A majority of food is imported & the largest producers are seeing issue due inflation & government restrictions (think West Europe, Argentina, Brazil). No imports to Africa will accelerate migration to Europe
8) This is rich coming from me, but it seems obvious that in every single action taken government is a self-serving entity who cannot be trusted. Yet most people tend to cheer on the government if their colour of the isle are the ones enacting the law. It could be terrible for freedom, liberty, taxes, business, education, the economy, whatever and yet everybody will clap and cheer like an animal at Sea World if “their” man or woman were putting the law forward. The obvious operation of forced coercion & lack of production from all governments seem to go missed in the psyche of your average citizen.
9) Most of the time, the poor deserve to be poor. Perhaps deserve is a harsh way to put it but people who do nothing should receive nothing [in a competitive functioning healthy society]. Seeing this is largely a by product of our travels that you’ll find here. To create wealth, one obviously has to create a good or service that extends beyond what they consume, similar to how a chipmunk collects more nuts than it eats. Most of poverty is either a result of the intervention from the 8th point (the government) or is a result of a complete lack of production & innovation. I am reminded of the question Ayn Rand was faced, “what should we do about the poor?” to which she swiftly responded, “make sure you’re not one of them”. If you do nothing productive in the world, the world will not reward you. As the saying goes, you make your own bed!
Do you agree with this list? Chances are, we have something in common. I ended up leaving my Western country for freedom–did you? If you didn’t do so yet, let us help! We launched our subsidiary dedicated to help you with your international portfolio to hedge out your many risks. Check out today!!
10) The Covid vaxxxine has or will kill(ed) off anywhere between 2 and 200 million people (and irreversibly injured much more) effectively making them dependent on a welfare check indefinitely. I write the large variance because of the estimated 10% accuracy of VAERS reporting (which would inflate the existing numbers by tenfold in the USA alone). The fact that the variance is this large (similar to the unknown deaths in the USSR) should scare the heck out of you. Even if I’m way off, the real damage has yet to display itself in the form of innumerable incurable neurological diseases that will present themselves in a younger than-average age of onset than normal. The fact remains that this bioweapon has killed off a number of people exceeding most war conflicts throughout history and perhaps will soon resemble numbers seen in World War 2; yet nobody seems to pay it much attention.
11) There is a massive need to create an alternative internet, alternative system of apps & social networks and of course, another means of transacting outside of reliance on banks if individuals (& corporations) wish to sustain the level of digital freedom they once possessed. This is actively being addressed no doubt; but the average person signs onto their Silicon Valley data drive, uses their carbon-counting credit card and a face-scan tracking device at all times without thinking twice. The internet will become increasingly less free & its content will be mostly censored to all eyes and ears. To negate this, new systems will have to be created likely outside the purview of the United States of America. Till then, always log onto for our new content!
Thank you for reading! I hope I’ve entertained you and made you think about some things in a new light. If you have some ideas of your own or perhaps you utterly disagree, feel free to write your own post on our platform. We can submit your post anonymously just remember to leave a writing name in the title.