Hello, My name is Matt & I’m the Founder of OnTheBall, LLC where we write about geopolitics, investing, world issues and general thoughts from my travels, research & experiences. I want to grow a voice of truth & freedom in these chaotic times & encourage you to do the same.


Freedom. Truth. Worldliness. These are the principles we aim to abide by when writing my articles at a time when most mainstream media is motivated to promote government control, propaganda and closed-mindedness. We’re motivated by hunting for interesting topics to write about and I believe there’s an appetite for a change in our information. I am working to develop steady content covering a myriad of important matters to become a go-to news source for you to check up on.

I am also looking forward to advertising other business opportunities. These other ventures involve putting your money to work, home schooling/education and options to relocate & legally pay less tax.

Taken together, this is a publishing company motivated by individual freedom


Business Affiliates

Domain Selling

Selling creative, profitable niche domains to scale your website to the next level. Each domain is primed for potential.

Open Door Consultancy

We aim to help you increase your level of freedom by way assisting you in immigration & tax information as well as travel tips, gold investing and holistic international planning.

Coming Soon

1. Educational Company App aligned with the same principles as On The Ball, LLC

2. New Private Investment Companies (Friends & Family structures with various themes)

3. Tradesman Consulting & Educational Services providing world-leading guidance on questions from the public (complete beginner to seasoned expert).

Wild Card

We’re open for business! Have a great idea & enjoy our content? We’re open to collaborate in someway to grow together.

One drop of truth can outweigh an ocean of lies

Alexander Solzhenitsyn
by CurrencyRate.Today

If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work till you die

Warren Buffet

Go to the Posts by date published!

About Matt

Matt, the Founder of OnTheBall, LLC is a driven entrepreneur & investor who wishes to inspire & teach others while continuing his own journey of learning. Matt has a diverse background of study that includes psychology, optometry, neuroscience, regenerative biology, aviation, finance/investing & macroeconomics. He personally enjoys sport, traveling to new countries, learning the truth behind matters & most importantly, teaching and writing!

What’s OnTheBall

As a publishing company, we aim to provide content for a wide range of viewer. Our writers write in the fields of geopolitics, investing & finance, global issues, medicine & current social trends. We are constantly researching discrepancies that have gone unnoticed or not properly discussed.

OnTheBall believes that we have been in a fake world for so long, that there is now an appetite for the truth & realism. We want to create an informative place that becomes apart of your life like coffee in the morning.

Take Action with Investment Speculations

To gain insight into some of long-term global macroeconomic speculations, consider subscribing to Plan 2. Here I propose ideas that may be under-looked or under-appreciated as having upside investment potential.

This subscription material is a direct product from a separate investment company i’ve founded. Please Contact & click Money where your Mouth Is.


While I hope you enjoy my content,

We’d love to create a network of like-minded individuals to become more resilient & knowledgeable together. That is why we’re accepting anonymous posts of your own.

Click here for more

Do you have a forecast for the future and want to say “I told you so!”? Join our international collection of predictions for the future!

Click here for more

Please feel free to submit!

You can EARN on your writings as a subscriber & stay tuned for a new company launch specifically for writers.

If you’re one step ahead, you’re a genius; If you’re two steps ahead, you’re a lunatic

Contact Our Subsidiary:
[email protected]